Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V...
The last few months of my life had been a complete and utter whirlwind. Hell, the past ten years of my life had been crazy, and I never would have pictured myself being in this position when I was younger. At the tender age of fifteen, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I resented that fact that school was making me plan out my life when I was so young and naive. I don't know if I'd have necessarily chosen the life I've been given, but I wouldn't change it now. Everything happens for a reason, and I've always believed that.

My girls were the light of my life, all three of them. My beautiful twins made me laugh until my stomach hurt, but also made me sick to my stomach with worry. I always saw myself as the paternal kind, and I always knew I wanted kids. Being thrown into fatherhood six years into Maddie and Ellie's lives wasn't exactly how I pictured it, but again, everything happens for a reason. I have to believe that, or I'd completely break.

Alicia Green. Alicia Pierce. Alicia Styles. Whatever her last name was, I didn't care. The love I feel for that woman is intense, so intense that half the time I can't breathe. She infuriates the fuck out of me half the time, but I don't care. The arguments we would have were fiery, were horrible and disturbing, but in my mind, if you don't argue in a relationship, there's no point in being in one, you don't care enough to fight for what you believe in, and fight to save the love that you have. Regardless of the fact that Liss can be stubborn as hell, rude as anything, and downright mad sometimes, she's the one, and she always will be.

I stood behind the railing with my girl, watching as Lucas held the hands of the twins. Bastard. Alicia was twitching beside me but I held her back, I didn't want her getting hurt. The girls looked so peaceful, like they didn't have a care in the world. They didn't have a clue about the hell we'd been through over the past couple of days, and they weren't going to know. We'd get them home, get Lucas locked up and then we could get back to being a happy family once again.

"Mummy!" screamed Ellie, noticing us suddenly and waving like mad.

Lucas tried to pull them away back behind his mums house, and I glared at him. I felt a shuffle next to me, and turned to see Liss, swinging her legs over the barrier and running into the middle of the road. Lucas grabbed the girls and pulled them behind him, looks of horror crossing all three of their faces.

All I could see was the oncoming car.

"Liss, no!" I roared, knowing it was too late, but trying with all I could anyway.

She turned to me, her hair flowing into her face. In that moment, I've never seen her look more beautiful. She was my angel. It was almost if the sunlight was just shining on her, excentuating all of her features. She nibbled on her lip, and shut her eyes, knowing what was coming too. She wouldn't have had time to move out of the way, she knew that, I knew that, we all did. And when I heard the sickening impact of the car on her fragile body, a strangled moan escaped from my lips. My girl.

I ran to her as fast as my legs would carry me. Cars had stopped around us, and the driver of the car that hit her was aplogising in broken English. I didn't care for his apologies, I only cared for her.

Blood was oozing from a gash on her head, oozing from the side of her mouth. I lifted her into my lap when I knelt down, her body feeling heavy and limp. Her head lolled in my arms, and I cradled her, crying harder than I ever have before. She was all I could think about. I didn't know how I was going to cope, I couldn't lose her again, and it couldn't be for good.

"Harry," said Lucas solemnly. "I'm sorry."

"Like fuck you are," I growled, not looking at him through the haze of tears that were blurring my vision. "Where are my girls?"

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now