Chapter 6

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It turned out that Ellie had food poisoning from the restaurant. I was thoroughly unprepared for the fact that it was incredibly severe and it was recommended that she stay off of school for a week. Maddie had thrown a huge head fit, saying that she should be allowed to stay off too but I had managed to talk her round, telling her that she needed to be there to meet Mr Styles properly. It wasn't a conversation I enjoyed having.

It was 11o'clock on Friday morning, Maddie was in school and Ellie was asleep in bed. It was enjoying a bit of time to myself so I decided to switch on the TV and watch some of the soaps that I had missed recently. I was just getting into it when my phone rang. I almost ignored it...I really didn't want to speak to him.

"Hi Al," I sighed, muting the television.

"Hola...Mr Tomlinson requires you to do the photoshoot today," he said apprehensively.

"What?!" I exploded. "It wasn't supposed to be until next week!"

"I know that chica, but he is a very busy man and something has come up next needs to be today."

"But Ellie's ill, I can't just leave her at home."

"You'll think of something Alicia, you always do," he muttered wistfully.

"Fine, I'll call you later," I snapped, hanging up and putting my phone down.

Why could nothing in my life be simple anymore? Why is it, that since the boys came back into my life, everything was as difficult as it used to be. Zayn was practically forcing me to tell Harry about the girls now, and texted me very day to remind me. I knew the day was coming but I was just finding it incredibly hard to pluck up the courage to tell him. I couldn't stand to see the look on his face when he found out.

I picked up my phone again to call Louis.

"Alicia, I'm so sorry that we've had to rearrange, we're going to spend next week with Eleanor's family and we both completely forgot," he rambled, as soon as the call connected.

"It's fine," I told him. "The only problem is that my daughter is ill, home from school, and my mum and my friend are at work so I'll have to bring her with me...she'll just fall asleep on the sofa and she's not contagious or anything that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine...honestly, you're a life saver being able to do this," he replied, as I could hear the grin on his face. "So we'll see you in a bit?"

"Okay, bye."

I huffed and turned off the television. Running up the stairs, I hummed to myself, my mood changing. I was actually quite looking forward to taking the photographs, it relaxed me and helped me think. It could even help me think of ideas about how to confront Harry and tell him. Egh. I felt sick just thinking about it.

"Ellie sweetie," I whispered, sitting on the edge of her bed and stroking her hair.

"Mmmmm," she whined, rolling over so her back was to me. "Mummy, why are you waking me up?"

She yawned and sat up slowly. She'd learned from the past week not to sit up quickly, as she'd probably be sick. Although she hadn't been sick for the past few days, she was still complaining of head aches.

"I need to go to work baby," I soothed, still playing with her hair. "Do you want to come with me? We're going to a really big house."

She thought for a moment before nodding, climbing out of bed.

"Go and put your dressing gown on, don't worry about getting dressed. I'll carry you out to the car in a minute, just go and wash your face and brush your teeth properly while I get changed."

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now