Chapter 20

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"Alicia! Hurry up!" called Harry from the car, beeping the horn repeatedly for effect.

I mumbled a few curse words before zipping my oversized handbag shut and pulling it onto my shoulder. I turned to the mirror, ran my fingers through my hair and then left the house, slamming the door behind me. I ran towards the car, the horn still blaring out of it, and opened the door.

"Is that really necessary?!" I shouted over the noise, Maddie and Ellie's squeals of laughter adding to the din.

"What?" he asked, shrugging playfully. "It got the job done didn't it?"

"Hmm," I muttered, doing up my seatbelt and placing my bag in the footwell. "Are we going then?"

"No, I was just beeping the horn for my health," he stated, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Doctor's orders."

"Whatever mate," I chuckled. "Let's just get going."

"Yay!" squealed Maddie." "We're going to see Nanny, we're going to see Nanny!"

"Is she excited to see us?" asked Ellie, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the back of my chair.

"Yes she is," Harry grinned, pulling out of the driveway. "She's sorted out some special beds for you too."


"And...she's cooking your favourite meal for tea."

"I love Nanny!" laughed Maddie.

"That's my love your food just like your Dad."

"I love food too," hinted Ellie.

"I know you do," he chuckled. "You're both my girls."

It seemed to satisfy the pair of them as they began a conversation, again, which I didn't understand. They seemed to have their own secret language and communicated in it frequently. I set myself back in my chair and plugged my phone into the stereo, hearing You Me At Six's new single blasting through.

"I see your taste in music hasn't gotten any better," Harry sniggered.

I poked my tongue out at him but his eyes were focused on the road so he didn't see. "You can insult me all you like Harry, but never insult the beautiful voice of Josh Franceschi, understand?"

"Yes ma'am," he replied, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "I was only mucking about, it's not bad actually."

"I know," I smirked.


The journey was uneventful, and according to Harry, I'd fallen asleep pretty soon after we'd gotten onto the motorway. I apologised for leaving him alone for the journey but he promised that he'd had a long conversation with the girls before they had drifted off too...and besides, he prefered driving in the quiet, it gave him time to think.

"NANNY!" shouted the girls, running towards her when she opened the door.

She let out a loud laughed and squatted down on her heels so they could run into her and hug her. I smiled as Harry pulled our suitcase out of the boot and then closed it. He pulled it towards me and then wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my temple.

"There's our little girls."

"Mm," I mumbled, pressing my body against his. "Yeah it is."

"Come on," he said quietly. "Let's go to the mad house."

He took my hand and led me up the path, greeting Anne.

"Hi Mum," he grinned, hugging her as the girls ran inside to find Robin. "Thanks for doing this."

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now