Vampire Vixx chapter 29 Sufiani's plans...

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Sufiani started a small meeting with the whole family in her room, before she even started she tells everyone to close all the doors properly, closed all the curtains/shutters in the whole house and put on the alarm so that no intruders be trespassing their home.

"Okay this is the plan for now". said Sufiani.

They all looked at her in anticipation waiting for her words to come out from her mouth. Sufiani took out her remote control to her secret wardrobe that has a secret room.

"Ooooh you have this secret place in your room?" Lilli asked Sufiani with a surprised expression on her face.

"Yeah... I know, but this is not the time for this... come in and I will show you something that I have been doing these past months since we returned to Malaysia". she said to everyone.

They all stepped in the secret room that including the house butler, the maid aka housekeeper that has been part of the family for quite some time.

"Miss Jung, here is your tea". said the Maid to her.

"Thanks Laura you're the best". she replied with a smile.

"Your welcome Miss Jung". Laura replied to Sufiani.

"Please just call me Sufiani, we're friends". She said to Laura.

"Okay I'll keep that in mind Sufiani". said Laura.

"Alright then let's start the plan". said Sufiani while logging herself in the system.

The system automatically opened making everyone's eyes widen.

"Okay everyone does you see this here?" she pointed out to them.

They all nodded to Sufiani while looking at her stick pointing on the board.

"I wrote down 4 plans to see if we have any luck". she said.

"Tell us the 4 plans you have". Ji-Hoon demanded with anticipation in his eyes.

"Plan A what I have written down first is to disguised ourselves as a group sasaeng fans so that we can blend in the crowd, that way it has less chance of the 'Idol Killer' following us. Plan B as soon we arrived to the airport we go put the luggages and tickets back to Seoul and continue to stick together. Plan C we have to find the nearest toilet right after they check out our cabin handbags and then is all good to move on to our new disguised which is cosplaying as anime characters so that it becomes unrecognizable that no one will suspect that we come from a famous family. Plan D As soon we arrive at the plane we have to sit separated so that it makes it less suspicious". she explained her plans.

"Well Jeff and I are clearly been not females and will we be dressing ups as a female sasaeng fan aswell?" Ji-Hoon asked with his head tilted to the side.

"Okay so with you guys will be different because Jeff, Laura, Mum and dad will take the luggages in the car but the of the rest girls will take the public bus so that it makes it easier". Sufiani replied to her father's question.

"So what disguises are we to wear?" Jeff asked her.

"You guys will be wearing this" Show them a picture.

"Hmmm... What is that kind of outfit?" Laura asked Sufiani with her adorable expression.

Everyone all looked at her and thought to themselves 'So cute' and had to snap themselves from getting distracted.

"Well... this outfit is called priests and nuns". she said to them.

"Priests and nuns?..." Ji-Hoon raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

"Nae... dad & Jeff will be disguised as Priests and mum & Laura will be disguised as Nuns". she replied.

"How will it work and specially dressed up as that?" Ji-Hoon asked.

"Because Priest and Nuns aren't idols, they can't get married or have kids so it would work out really smoothly like this for you guys". she replied to her father.

They all nodded in agreemen

"So what are we going to do with the car?" Di asked.

"What do you mean?" Sufiani asked Di.

"Well anyone would suspect the car's being stolen". Di replied.

"Well I guess my plans for the car will be simple in this kind of situation". Sufiani added.

"Like what?" Adi asked curiously with her face getting closer to the big screen on the wall.

"Like changing the colour, the licence plate and style of the car... like spies and hitmen would do". she explained to them.

"Oh I see... I like that idea". Yulia agreed with Sufiani's plans.

"Anyone else have any more questions?" she asked them.

They all remained silent for a moment and Sufiani sighed of relieve.

"Okay then everyone that is all for the meeting". she said.

"Thanks Sufi". said Lilli.

"Your welcome... Tomorrow we're going to start working on it and I'll make the outfits". she said to everyone.

They all nodded with a smile on their faces with their fingers crossed that hoping that Sufiani's plans go as planned. The next day they all started to work their asses off to make Sufiani's plans succeed, two weeks has passed and they finished off with the materials that was needed for them in order to return to Seoul.

"When are you going to book the tickets?" Adi asked Sufiani.

"Appa and I will book it... we're be searching for the cheapest price". she replied.

"Okay let's have a look at the prices then". said Ji-Hoon with a wide smile making Tae-Hee blush.

"Okay appa we leave everything to you". Lilli told him.

"Wait a minute I thought Sufiani was in charge aswell on booking the tickets with me". he looked up at the girls with his puppy eyes.

"Sorry appa we're going to steal her for a bit" said Yulia.

"Where are you going?" Ji-Hoon asked them.

"We're going to the mall and buy some new clothes for the reunion with the boys". said Sandy with stars in her eyes due to her overly excited to see Hyuk again.

"We're also going to buy some paint and material for the car". said Candy

"Okay then fair enough I guess I have no choice but to do this alone then". Ji-Hoon deeply sighed in defeat.

"That's okay I'm staying here with you yeobo". said Tae-Hee with a angelic smile making Ji-Hoon's haert beat faster.

"Okay then thanks eomma". Sufiani thanked her mother and went with the girls to the mall.

"Have fun!" she exclaimed happily.

Now that Ji-Hoon and Tae-Hee along with Jeff and Laura are left with the responsability in buying the tickets to return to Seoul... Will they buy them? Will Sufiani's plan be successful? Find that out next time.

End of chapter 29.


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