Vampire Vixx chapter 59 New Friends...

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As Sufiani turned to face the mysterious person who was following her, she then smiled at the person.

" Oh hello there... what was your name young boy?" she greeted and asked.

"Ummm... Jungkook and I'm not a boy >_> I'm a man". he replied back as he smiled shyly.

(a/n: LMAO Even Sufiani sees Jungkook as a fetus hahahaha).

"Then how shall I address you as? Oppa?" Sufiani replied while using aegyo pose.

Jungkook suddenly shivered at the sound of the word 'oppa'.

"Aniya aniya aniya Jungkook or Kookie is fine". Jungkook cutely shook his head.

"Ah arasseo". Sufiani replied between giggles at Jungkook's innocent expression.

As Jungkook was about to say something until he heard 2 people called his name making him to turn around.

"Oh hyung". said Jungkook with wide eyes at the 2 handsome males that were running towards him.

"Yah Jungkookie we were looking all over for you!" squealed a cute cute who was shorter than Jungkook with a pair of Hercules thighs as he patted Jungkook's head.

"Aigoo you sure are something else Kookie-ah?" said a guy with extremely handsome face who looks like Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul as he hugged Jungkook tightly.

The 2 boys then stopped playfully tease Jungkook and turned towards the girl standing in front of them.

"Oh you're the girl from yesterday?!" one of them blurted out as he pointed at her.

"Omo are you're trying to steal our maknae away from us?" the shorter guy asked as he hugged Jungkook.

"Yah hyung you being too much". Jungkook roughly pushed the shorter guy causing falling to the ground in defeat.

"Aigoo Jungkook-ah don't be rough to your poor hyung like that". Sufiani cutely scolded him.

Sufiani crouched down in front of the shorter guy who was on the floor.

"Gwaenchanh-a?" she asked him as she flashed a cute smile making the guy on the floor fluster.

"Nae... gwaenchanh-ayo". he replied as he stuttered.

"Hahahahaha I think Jimin-ah fell in love her at first sight". said the guy while he chuckles.

"Yah Taehyung-ah stop spouting nonsense!" Jimin flipped as he stood up quickly.

"Omo Jimin-ssi your forehead is bleeding shall we go to a pharmacy and get you the treatments for your injuries". Sufiani blurted out loud.

"Ani it's okay I'll lick to heal quicker". Jimin declined.

"Omo doing that it makes it worse it will get infected, c'mon I insist". Sufiani insisted as she dragged Jimin with her along with Taehyung and Jungkook tagging along.

As they arrived at the pharmacy she saw Xiumin wearing a white jacket and a pair of glasses making look cute.

"Omo Xiumin-oppa Hiiii". Sufiani greeted as she saw him there.

"Oh hello and how is our pretty dongsaeng doing?" Xiumin asked as he grinned.

"I'm good thanks and you're working here now?" she replied and asked him.

"Nae and what can I do for you?" he replied and asked her back.

"Well Jimin-oppa here fell bump his forehead and it's bleeding a lot, do you have any good products, so I can treat him?" Sufiani explained and asked.

"Hmmm let me ask my boss Jonghyun-hyung, I'll be right back". Xiumin replied as he went to the of the shop.

"Mian hyung... I didn't mean to hurt you". Jungkook cutely apologized.

"Aigoo it's okay it really isn't nothing major". Jimin replied as he ruffled the boy's hair.

Jungkook was about to protest until Xiumin came back with another guy who is 2 cm shorter than Jimin but more muscular than Jimin.

"Sufiani-ah this is my boss Kim Jonghyun". Xiumin smiled at her cheerfully.

"Oh hello my name is Sufiani, nice to meet you". Sufiani bowed politely.

"Nice to meet you too I am Jonghyun". he replied.

Jonghyun then looked at Jimin's forehead that was still bleeding, then patted the chair for Jimin sit down and Jimin did what he was told with that Jonghyun handed Sufiani the first aid kit, and she then started to treat Jimin's injuries with him hissing in pain.

"I'm so sorry Jimin-oppa I know it hurts but the only way to get healed quicker is by treating it like this". Sufiani spoke with a concern tone.

"It's okay I'm manly, so I'm strong". he cutely smiled.

(a/n: Jimin your only act cute when you want to but normally YOU'RE TOO EXTRA PLUS YOUR THICK THIGHS *SCREAM, KICK AND SCRATCH THE WALLS LIKE A CAT* I CAN'T WITH YOUUUUUU!!!!! *crying in a corner* HELP ME JESUS!!!!!!!!!! *clear throat* I'm sorry I really don't know what came over me).

Sufiani just smiled at his adorable personality while she continued treating his injuries, couples of minutes went by, and she finished off treating Jimin.

"Done". Sufiani blurted out cutely as she placed a plaster on Jimin's forehead.

"Ah thanks". Jimin shyly replied.

"Aigoo! Where did that Sexy Jibooty went?!" Taehyung exclaimed playfully.

"Yah aish! This kid". Jimin hissed.

"Sexy? You mean where did that little shorty go who goes by the name Jimin!" Jungkook joined in the fun earning a kick from Jimin.

"Yah! I'm older than you! You should respect me you lil brat!" Jimin got up and started to chase Jungkook in the pharmacy.

Sufiani, Xiumin and Jonghyun giggled at the 2 boys getting chased by Jimin and how Jimin can't catch Jungkook because Jungkook is super fast like in a supersonic mode (a/n: Loool hi it's me again author-nim sorry... that is some Sonic the Hedgehog reference and for those who were born or raised in the 90s as a kid know that Sonic's fast Supersonic mode).

"Well at least Jungkookie still fast like back then". Jonghyun sighed.

"Yeah it really brings back a lot of memories those days when it came to ISAC the strongest teams were BTS and VIXX". Xiumin sighed peacefully.

"Well we all know that Leo is strong AF when it came to Judo and so is Jungkook those 2 are savages". Jonghyun smiled.

Sufiani looked out of the window and saw the girls shouting for her name.

"Guys will you excuse me looks like the girls are looking for me, it was nice meeting you guys and say hi to everyone Xiumin-oppa". Sufiani bowed politely.

"Nae it was nice seeing you Sufiani-ah". Xiumin cheerfully replied flashing his adorable hamster smile.

As soon as Sufiani left the pharmacy to meet up with the rest of the girls who seemed to have finished off shopping, Jungkook stopped running away from Jimin and faced Xiumin.

"Xiumin-hyung why does Sufiani-ssi keeps on calling all us oppa?" Jungkook asked innocently.

"She's younger than all of us and remember we're all immortals we can't age". Xiumin replied to the bunny boy.

"She's gorgeous". Jungkook smiled in showing his bunny teeth.

"Yeah bad luck kiddo, Leo and Sufiani like each other". Xiumin patted Jungkook's head like a child.

"Aish really? Aigoo I even I like her too she's too pretty". Jimin butts in.

"Same". Taehyung replied with a sigh.

"Yep I know, sorry gents she's been taken". Xiumin replied.

As the girls saw Sufiani coming towards them they rushed to her.

"Yah where were you?" Lilli asked in a low-key angry/worried tone.

"I was at the pharmacy where Xiumin-oppa works". Sufiani replied.

"Bwo?! Xiumin-oppa works in a pharmacy now?!" Candy asked in shock making Sufiani nod her head.

"Yeah I also made new friends too". Sufiani sheepishly smiled.

"Aigoo this kid". Lilli shook her head.

"Well how was shopping?" Sufiani asked.

"It was great". Sandy replied.

"Ain't you going to buy something?" Adi asked.

"Nah not today, I'll go shopping with Leo-oppa". Sufiani replied.

(a/n: Sufiani just dropped a BTS reference lool).

With that the girls then headed back to their new home where the boys were practically waiting for them to have lunch. BTS went back to their home wishing to meet the girl of their dreams.

Sufiani has made new friends in the underworld city, will there be new girls who are not a part of the Sasaeng coming to the underworld city to full fill BTS's wishes?

End of chapter 59.


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