Vampire Vixx chapter 46 Ravi & Adi's date...

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As everyone was eating their meal Adi and Ravi was avoiding each other because of the small incident that just happened, as for the rest of them continued to tease Ken & Candy at their cute body language. After dinner Adi went inside the living room to read stories online while Ravi on the other hand was just walking by and stopped when he saw her reading quietly, he simply smiled until he felt someone's hand suddenly touched his shoulder.

"Ravi-ah what are you doing?" N asked curiously out of nowhere.

"Yah you nearly gave me a heart attack I thought it was a ghost". Ravi exclaimed while holding onto his chest trying to compose himself.

"Eh? You're still scared of ghosts? " N asked him while teasing the poor old Ravi.

"Whatever... What do you want?" Ravi asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Yah you dare talk back to your hyung". N glared at Ravi.

"Sometimes you may my hyung and leader but you you're also annoying as hell". Ravi squinted his eyes at N.

"Aish this boy who are you calling annoying? Huh?" N asked him.

"~Aigoo hyung is super annoying". Ravi whined like a little boy.

"Yah I'm fabulous" N suddenly burst out his sass.

"Oh really know well I don't see it doe". Ravi scoffed.

N then used his secret weapon which was his famous hand chop (a/n: Ah the hand chop only N is the master of it for those who are new to Kpop N is known for his hand chop whenever he needs to punish his fellow members in VIXX).

"Arasseo arasseo you fabulous". Ravi chuckled as he rubbed his neck.

"Hmm mm... oppa what are you doing?" A voice suddenly spoke up behind Ravi making him froze on his spot.

N tried to see who it was but Ravi was blocking the way, and then he realized it was just Adi.

"Okay I'm going to do my duties to wash the car while you lovebirds talk". said N with a wide grin.

N then left them alone to attend his duties on the car leaving Ravi lifeless and as he turned around d he saw a cute Adi who was looking confused.

"Ah hi Adi". Ravi greeted.

"Are you okay you look rather pale". Adi looked at him with her big brown eyes.

"I'm fine and I'm always pale". He chuckled.

"Ah nae... mian". Adi replied apologetically sounding like a cat.

Ravi's heart skipped a beat as looked into her soul which is still innocent.

"It's okay I was wondering if you are free tonight". Ravi replied to her.

"Nae oppa I'm free tonight btw I'm always free". said Adi.

" Okay after everyone goes to sleep meet me in the bedroom". Ravi suddenly said it out loud.

Adi blushed as soon as she heard the word 'bedroom' (a/n: yes I know even I had dirty thoughts xD don't we all... no no don't lie to me Readers I know you all have byungtae thoughts =_= but lets all clap for Adi on this *clap clap* brave kid).

"O-okay o-oppa". Adi stuttered nervously as she started to swish her side by side cutely.

"Cute". Ravi chuckled as he ruffled Adi's hair.

Ravi then left the living room leaving Adi frozen on her spot trying to process in what just happened. A couple of hours later everyone went to bed to sleep since it was a long day for everyone except Adi who was awake and quietly waited for Ravi, she twirled her hair nervously and was struggling to keep her mind calm (a/n: ah yeah I bet she's been reading way too many stories that contains hardcore smut n_n lol comment down below and confess your one of those people who read smut stories if I have included them kpop smut and yeah I'm one of them guilty people). Ravi then entered the bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Oppa what have you been up to?" she asked him.

"It's a surprise". Ravi replied.

"I see... why are you smiling like that?" she asked him.

"Nothing". He replied back with a smile.

"Don't tell me you're planning to..." she suddenly spoke without thinking and stopped midway.

"Plan what?" Ravi asked her curiously.

"N-nothing". she replied as she turned her head away to avoid the intense gaze from him.

"Hmm mm... have you been thinking about me?" Ravi asked as his lips started to form a smirk.

"A-aniyo". she replied shyly.

"Why so nervous then?" He asked as he lifted her chin gently as he slowly leans his face to her.

"I... I j-just s-said n-no". she stuttered even more because their lips were 3 inches away from each other.

"I'm just teasing you". Ravi chuckled.

"Big meanie". Adi pouted cutely as she puffed up her cheeks in which made Ravi's heart beat faster.

"Well since we can't go out for a proper date like what normal humans do, I think it would be good to have our first date here in the bedroom". said Ravi.

"But why here in the b-bedroom and there's so many places in this house where you can have a date". Adi protested.

"Well I thought it would be great for our first date to get to know each other by talking in here". He explained.

"Aish arasseo let's start this date". Adi deeply sighed.

"Don't worry I won't do anything weird". he said.

"Eh? I didn't say anything about you doing anything weird". she replied back.

"I know you didn't but your mind is having certain thoughts". Ravi chuckled.

"Yah... hmph I was thinking that it is weird". she crossed her arms like a spoilt child.

"I know exactly what kind of thoughts you were having and I know you're a byungtae". Ravi replied with smirk.

"~Oppa~ stop teasing me". she whined angrily like a cat.

"I know you read some 'Mature' or should I say 'smut' stories". Ravi rose a brow at her.

"Yah have you been spying on me?!" Adi exclaimed with her widen eyes.

"Maybe..." he replied with a wink.

She blushed as he pinched her cheeks due to her cuteness, they started to make conversation with each other and getting to know each other, Ravi leaned in kiss Adi's cheek, and she accidentally turned her head and their lips made contact with each other sending electricity down their spine.

"Ah mian oppa". said Adi as she tried to shift away from him, but he gently pulls her towards him.

"It's okay jagiya". he replied. (a/n: awwwww he called Adi jagiya so cute for those who don't know what jagiya means it actually means darling in Korean).

"Oppa did you just called me 'jagiya'?" Adi asked as she deeply blushed.

"Ah nae I did and I'm going to make you fall for me hard". He said.

"What do you mean that I'm going to fall for you hard?" she asked a frown.

"That no other guy can have you and that you're mine". He confessed.

He then gently cupped her face and kissed her lips again, and she then also kissed back and the rest of the night was history. (a/n: Did you honestly thought that there was going to be a smutty moment here? Your lot is a bunch of byungtae aka hentai xD).

So that was the moment when Ravi and Adi became a couple through a steamy date in the bedroom *sigh* only Ravi would come up with this idea just like he did for the Chained Up era and I'm still not over it. Wonder how the newly-wed couple's honeymoon going? Will there be any Sasaeng fans lurking around in the area where Hongbin & Di are located? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 46.


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