Vampire Vixx chpater 23 Friends and enemies...

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As everyone in the house heard a loud knock on the door, Leo stood up to check who it is at a time like this with the rest of them following behind him. As soon Leo opened the door they saw 12 wagging boys with doggy ears smiling at them; one of them leap over to hug Leo.

"LEO-HYUNG!!! HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED YOU!!" he exclaimed in happiness while wagging his tail and still hanging onto Leo.

"........Chanyeol, hmm hi..." replied a suprised Leo.

"Long time no see N". said Suho and Kris.

"Yes it sure has been a long time". N replied to them.

Luhan stared at the girls for a long time with his big adorable bambified eyes.

"Hi beautiful ladies I'm Luhan... How come you guys are allowed to have such beautiful girls in your dorm whereas we can't". said Luhan introducing himself to the girls and turned to the VIXX boys with a pouted face.

"SO CUTE!!!!" the girls all squealed at his overload cuteness and ended up petting him making him totally defenseless by letting them touch him.

"Bwoya! I wanna be petted too". said Kai with his sexy smirk that does the trick so he can be petted.

The girls heavily blushed with Kai's dangerous eyes and smile making Sehun really jealous.

"AISH! These boys, wae! so lucky and it's not fair! Sharing is caring you know!" Exclaimed Sehun while hitting Kai and Luhan.

"What do you expect from the faces of the group". Tao deeply sighed.

"Faces of the group? What is that?" Sufiani asked Tao all confused.

"Faces or Face of the group means being a visual". said Tao trying to explain to her.

"Visual?" she replied even more confused.

"Let me explain... What Tao meant to say is that the phrases 'Faces/face of the group or Visual' simply means good looking one or ones in the group". Xiumin explained it clearly.

"Oh I see... But I think you're all good looking to me". she said to them making D.O lit up.

"JINJA?! DO YOU REALLY MEAN IT?! D.O weirdly exclaimed like a little puppy boy while wagging his tail happily.

"Nae.. I really meant every word". she replied to him while pinching his cheeks.

"Would you guys like to come in?" Di asked them gently with a gentle smile.

"Haha... I really don't think that would be a good idea". said N cutting in making the wolves quite upset by giving him those adorable sad begging eyes they had on; making the sound what dogs do when they beg, N gave up with a deep sigh "Fine... and try not to make a mess because I know what you're guys are like".

Right after they let the wolves in who were wagging like happy puppies, as Leo was about to close the door he felt a really strong force that stopped the door from closing and it was only Seo In-Guk who just decided to drop by.

"Woah... Man I thought I will never make on time to reach to the door". said Seo In-Guk.

"Oh! Hyung hi!" a hyper Ken called out.

"Oh hi, I've brought 10 boxes of giant pizzas and 10 boxes of apple pies for us to eat". Seo In-Guk greeted to everyone and pulled out big bags with boxes in them.

The wolves' ears all twitched when they heard the words 'Pizza and apple pie' with the word 'big'.

"HYUNG!" exclaimed a super happy Chen that was smelling Seo In-Guk's hands where the bags of food are located.

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