Vampire Vixx chapter 55 Deep in the woods...

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After Di gave birth to the twins, the whole house were rejoicing the twins are a couple in other words a boy and a girl... the couple name the twins Troy and Kiki (a/n: I didn't know what to name the twins, so I decided to come with the names Troy & Kiki).

Far and deep in the forest where EXO wolves lives also heard the good news of Di and Hongbin became parents. Katie already got used to the lifestyle in living in a forest with 12 boys who turn into wolves at night and with 11 other girls, she and Kai have become extremely close (a/n: Oh! Do I smell a potential couple ship that is about to sink? ^v^).

"Any sign of a Sasaeng fan yet?" Charlotte asked Allie.

"Nope not yet". Allie replied.

"Boys it looks like we're going to need some food". said Lizzy while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Luhan and Kai! It's your turn to hunt for food". said Kris.

"Nae hyung". the 2 pretty boys replied.

"Oppa I'll come with you". said Katie/Charlotte in unison.

"Aigoo what is this?" Cassandra rose a brow at the girls.

"Ah well... Luhan and Kai promised us that they will teach us how to hunt for food". Katie reasoned out.

"Fine but don't go too far and remember to stay close to them". Cassandra replied with a nod.

"Nae unnie". Katie and Charlotte sang.

"Oho I swear those girls are in love with the boys already". said Laila.

"Well they are too obvious". Cassandra giggled.

Meanwhile, Katie and Charlotte went to hunt for food with Kai and Luhan, Kai stopped to look at Katie who was already tired from walking he then went towards her.

"Get on my back". Kai crouched down.

"Are you sure Kai-oppa?" Katie tilted her head.

"I'm a strong man that I'm willing to risk my life for you". Kai smiled making Katie blush.

Katie went on Kai's back and Kai just got up made sure that Katie's legs is securely safe and continued the walk. Luhan stopped making the others stop too, Luhan then started to sniff and his eyes widen and then turn to the others.

"We have to go back". Luhan said as he made a step back.

Kai then nodded his head and ran with Katie on his back while Luhan simply grabbed Charlotte by carrying her in a bridal style. As they ran back to where the others are located.

"It looks like we have an intruder". said Luhan.

"Okay let's send a signal to the others". said Cassandra.

With that being said they sent a warning signal to the mansion to let them know that unknown intruders have appeared. Who could be the intruders? What are they going to do about it now? What are their plans? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 55.


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