Vampire Vixx chapter 69 Sufiani's Fever...

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After Leo carried Sufiani in a bridal style to the bedroom, with the help of everyone in the house they all started to rush around the place.

"Leo oppa do you know what happened?" Lilli asked.

"No I don't know what happened she was just fine a second ago". Leo replied.

"Okay I'll go make soup for her". said Lilli.

Leo then puts the small temperature in Sufiani's mouth to check her health, Candy & Ken then entered the room.

"Hyung we got a bowl of cold water and 4 cloths for noona, so she can recover". said Ken.

Leo turned towards Candy and Ken holding a large red bowl, then placing it on the small table that is next to Sufiani's bed, Ken then touched Sufiani's forehead that was boiling hot making Ken to remove his hand quickly.

"Aish she's really beyond boiling hot". said Ken as he massaged his hand.

Candy and Ken left the room just leaving Leo with a sick Sufiani, Leo then grabs one of the cloth and puts it in the red bowl which is filled with cold water, he then squeezed the cloth rinsing out the excess of extra water and then gentle puts it on Sufiani's forehead.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen N and Lilli were helping each other out making a special soup for Sufiani.

"Oppa I think it's strange with Sufiani's sudden fever". said Lilli.

"I think so too she was just fine a minute ago". said N while scratching his head all confused.

"Before she fainted she looked like she saw a ghost". said Lilli as she tilted her head.

"Omo maybe she saw something and caused her to have the fever". said N as he widened his eyes.

Lilli and N ran towards the bedroom where Sufiani was located.

"Oppa I think it's not a normal fever". Liili said to Leo.

"Bwo?" Leo replied confused.

"I believe it's something more menacing, but we're not sure what it is". N explained.

Leo then looked up to N and Lilli then looked at a sleeping Sufiani, he simply sighed and got up following N and Lilli towards the music studio room where Ravi is located who is busy with writing down new lyrics and creating new beats.

"Hey N-hyung hey Leo-hyung". Ravi spoke up as he turned his computer chair with a grin.

"Where's your Adi?" N asked Ravi.

"She should be in the library reading books". Ravi replied.

"Thanks Ravi". N thanked him and left him continue to work on his music.

They went to the library finding a busy Adi who was doing some research on her iPad whole using some books.

"Hey Adi". N spoke.

"Oh oppa what brings you here?" Adi asked.

"We need your help". Leo suddenly spoke up.

"Oh really what kind of help you need me to help you on?" Adi asked while looking at the trio.

"We need you to help us on Sufiani's sudden fever". said Lilli.

"Arasseo I'll start with it right now". Adi replied.

An hour had passed and Adi stretch like a cat along with a sigh.

"This is so strange, there's no sign of anything that Sufiani's fever symptoms". Adi tilted her head.

As the four of all stared at the books and the iPad they heard a horrifying scream and it came from Sufiani's bedroom causing everyone to run towards the bedroom Leo examined Sufiani who was peacefully sleeping but another scream was heard it was loud and it's not coming from Sufiani.

Sandy comes in the bedroom while panting.

"Sandy-ah was that you that screamed?" Lilli asked.

Sandy sheepishly nodded her head making Lilli deeply sigh.

"Ah wae would you scream so loudly you think it was Sufiani-ah". Lilli scolded Sandy.

"Mian I didn't mean to scream so loud". Sandy replied with her head down like a child.

"Yah Sandy you look like you have something to tell us?" said Adi.

"Nae I have something to tell you all". Sandy looked at them.

They all turned to look at Sandy and then Sandy started to explain.

"Sufiani unnie said something very important before she passed out due to the supposed fever & I think it's more than that". Sandy looked at them seriously.

Leo then went up to Sandy with a worried face wanting to know more.

"I think she was poisoned by a poisonous robot mouse". Sandy replied.

"Huh a poisonous robot mouse? We have no robot mice here". said N.

"Well one did sneak in and it tried to attack me". said Sandy.

"Where's Hyukkie-ah?" Lilli asked.

"He had to go to work because Wonjun-oppa needed him". Sandy replied.

"Now it makes sense that you screamed". said N.

"Sufiani unnie also said that the enemy found us". said Sandy.

Adi then remembered...

"Noona/Unnie is something wrong?!" they sang unison.

"They found us... those bitches found us". Sufiani replied as she was having trouble breathing while clutching on her chest trying to say more.

"Who found us?" Lilli asked as she rushed in the launch room with N.

"The enemy..." said Sufiani as she felt she was sweating and going pale.

"Yah Sufiani-ah are you okay?!" Lilli exclaimed worriedly as she touched her sister's hand.

"Omo OMG I remember". said Adi with a gasp.

"Me too and I think I know whose behind all this". said Lilli.

"Leo-oppa and N-oppa I want you to go to the kitchen and destroy that poisonous robot mouse and after it's destroyed bring it to me, so I can research it". said Adi.

Sandy then ran out of the bedroom to find Candy to help out to take out the poison out of Sufiani's system while N and Leo went to the kitchen to find the robot mouse.

Who is behind sending a poisonous robot mouse to attack Sandy and poisoned Sufiani? Will Leo and N be able to destroy robot mouse? Will Sufiani be saved on time? Find that out next time.

End of chapter 69.


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