Vampire Vixx chapter 24 The Idol killer...

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As Leo was about to open the door the rest of them nodded as a sign they were ready to her. He opens the door and the boys saw a girl wearing a long black hooded cape with a malicious sinister smile on her face.

"Hello... may I help you?" Leo asked her in his butler duty manner.

".... I came to look for a girl?" she replied with a maliciously haunting tone of voice.

"A girl?" Ken nervously asked.

"Naeeeeee... apparently she lives here". she replied.

"Well to let you know it's all false and all rumors". N replied fearless.

"False you say?" she smiled.

"Yah! The only people that lives here are these guys and I". said Hyuk.

The girl started to laugh histerically.

"You foolish boys..." she said between laughter.

"Why are you here Kim Yeoshin?" Hyuk coldly asked her.

"Oh... my my, baby Hyukkie, you remember me". she replied all innocent towards him while clapping her hands.

Hyuk felt goosebumps running through his pale skin, N came forward.

"Yah! we asked you a question!" he demanded.

"Oh... yes I came by to see you, silly me how could I forget about my VIXX boys". she replied.

"Just cut the crap... you're not here to see us!" Hyuk yelled at her.

"Noooo... wait you think I'm a liar?" she said sarcastically.

Leo stared at her but didn't remained silent Yeoshin's brows furrowed at him.

"Tsk! After all these years Leo is the same pathetic expressionlesscold chic guy". she coldly said to Leo.

"Yah! Leave us alone... We have been living here in peace after all these years!" N snapped.

Yeoshin laughed like a crazy person.

"As if I would care if you little idols were living in peace without me". she said between laughter.

"Just get out of here and take your broom with you... you witch!" Hongbin raised his voice.

"Okay okay... I'll leave". she said being all sarcastic.

As she turns away to leave she then stopped and suspiciously turned to the boys.

"Just you remember... I will be watching you idols day and night". she coldly replied.

After she left the mansion, Ravi nearly fainted because he used all of his energy onto cancelling the wolves powers and the presence of the girls that were hiding in the dark room.

"Ravi-hyung, are you okay?" Hongbin asked him.

"Yeah... Leo check on the girls and make sure they're okay". said Ravi to Leo.

Leo nodded to Ravi, went to the dark passageway; opened the secret door on the floor and Sufiani attacked Leo with a hug.

"Leo-oppa! You came back! Thank goodness you're okay!" she cryed out all frighten .

"Don't worry I'm here..." he gently tells her while stroking her hair.

"I so scared that I thought I was gonna lose you and the boys". She softly told him.

"As I promised nothing happened that girl would do to me or the guys". he said.

Sufiani continued to stay hugging onto Leo's chesst until parted the hug from each other.

"........ I think you should go back to Malaysia...." he said.

"What.... I don't want to leave you guys all unsafe...." she replied back.

"No you can't stay it's too dangerous". he said.

Sufiani's tears started to flood and hugged Leo even tighter and was letting go but Leo didn't mind her hugging him (as long as it isn't N then it's okay).

"She's after you and the girls..." he replied.

"So she knows we live here?" Di asked Leo.

Leo nodded making everyone disscuss onto the next step.

"What should we do?..." Sandy asked all worried.

"What do you mean "what should we do"?" Candy asked Sandy.

"I meant that some of you just began to experience love... well with my exception that Hyuk and I have been dating for 2 years now". Sandy replied.

"Some of us? Love?" Yulia asked.

"Well 2 of them actually". she replied.

The rest of the girls looked at Sufiani & Leo and slowly turned theirs heads to Di and started to whispering between them.

"Aigoo... what's with all the whispering?" Di asked them while glaring at them.

"Nothing much... we were just curious about your relationship with binnie". said Lilli.

"Bwo?! Aniyo, we're just friends..." Di innocently defended.

"Just friends? Just friends with sparkles in theirs eyes..." Adi teased Di.

"AISH Jinja! I said that Hongbin-oppa and I are friends that's all to it..." she replied while blushing which made the girls laugh at her adorable embarrased face.

Leo cuts in.

"I think all of you girls should go back home and take Sufiani-ssi with you". said Leo.

The girls nodded in agreement, they went of the room to their bedrooms and Lilli booked a one way ticket to Malaysia for all the girls.

What will happen to the relationship with Sufiani and the boys? Will she ever return Seoul if she had a chance?

Find that out on the next chapter :D

End of chapter 24.


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