Vampire Vixx chapter 1 Moving into a new home...

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Sufiani & her parents were outside the airport saying their goodbyes since she is leaving her home town in Malaysia behind her to start a new life in South Korea. She thought she was moving into an apartment but her father gave her the house keys and the keys for a car since she has passed her driving licence it was the biggest gift that her parents have ever given her. She hugs them and waved at them.

As soon she arrived to Seoul she saw two tall guys holding up a massive banner board with her name on it, as soon she got closer to them they both hugged her in which it surprised her.

"Hi there, you must me Sufiani? I'm your private driver Cha Hakyeon but you can call me N" said N.

"Hello I'm Kim Wonsik but call me Ravi and I'm your bodyguard" said Ravi.

"Hello nice to meet you... my Korean name is Choi JangNeul" replied Sufiani. "How did you guys know my name any ways?" she asked.

Ravi smiles "Good thing you've asked, we have been hired by your parents to guard you so that danger will not occur" Ravi replied.

Sufiani was really confused and said "I thought my parents brought me here to live in an apartment".

N laughed "No darling, where you're going to start living is much bigger than an apartment" he said it in laughter.

Sufiani was really confused, and she saw another mysterious figure standing behind Ravi as soon Ravi moved out of the way it was another handsome guy who was wearing his butler tuxedo suit with his pitch black hair, pale skin colour and bloody rosy red lips, they stared at each other in silence... N butts in.

"Ah this is Leo his your personal butler, and he doesn't talk much" said N.

Ravi also adds in "Yeah just to let you know he's a really shy guy".

Sufiani extends her hand out to shake his hand "Hi Leo, nice to meet you. I'm Sufiani".

Leo says nothing but shakes her hand, and then he hides behind Ravi.

"Okay let's help you take all of your belongings... YAH! Jung Taekwoon (Leo's real name) could you give us a hand here?"

Leo nodded and helps out in silence.

As soon they head outside she finally meets the car that her father gave her before she departed.

N looks at her and asks "Do you have the keys that your father gave you?"

she reacts quickly "Wait, this is the car that my father brought me so you can drive me around?"

N replies "Yes this is the car that your father brought you".

she stared at the beauty of the car "The keys?" N interrupts her.

she snaps out of the daydream "Oh yes here are the keys".

During the journey home Sufiani was staring at Ravi's Platinum silver hair and asks "Ravi? Why is your hair in that colour?"

Ravi smiles and replies in a gentle voice "Well I was born with it, it's my natural hair colour".

Sufiani blushes and looks away because he looked really handsome with his hair like that, so she looks at N's driving skills since he's wearing his uniform and had to wear the driver's had it made him look like another person and was curious to ask N on subjects of driving.

"N, how long have you been driving cars or been hired as a driver" she asked curiously.

N continue to look ahead in the motorway and responded "Well I have been driving for many years now, I went from bus driver to taxi driver & now I am your personal driver".

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