Vampire Vixx chapter 72 Sufiani's return...

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It has been 5 years since Leo & N defeated the robot mouse, Sufiani was still recovering from the poison that she received from the robot mouse. She started to slowly open her eyes and looked around her surroundings she slowly got off the bed the whole house felt empty. 

"Hello anyone here?" Sufiani spoke. 

No response she then went to take a shower and got dressed and went outside the house to take a walk. She felt that underground city looked different it wasn't how remembered. She then saw her cousin Ken walking out of a supermarket. 

"Kenny-ah!" Sufiani called out making Ken whip his head real quick that looked like he was about to snap his neck.

"Sufiani-noona?!" Ken replied with bulging eyes as he was shocked.

He ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Noona are you alright? You're not hurt right?" He asked in his worrisome tone.

"Aigoo I'm fine, look see I'm standing right here aren't I". said Sufiani. 

Ken then looked around. 

"So many things has happened since you went into coma". said Ken.

Sufiani looked at Ken all confused at the statement that he just made.

"Coma? What are you talking about? I only slept for a day". said Sufiani. 

"You slept for 5 years and 10 months... so many things happened while you were in coma". said Ken.

Ken then took Sufiani to another mansion that looked very classy and elegant. 

He rang the doorbell the door opened to be greeted by Lilli.

"Oh my God Sufiani?!" Lilli gasped.

"Hi unnie long time no see?..." Sufiani greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Lilli whispered. 

"Huh what do you mean what am I doing here?" Sufiani asked all concerned. 

Lilli looked around the surroundings and ushered Ken and Sufiani into a hidden house that was abandoned, as they went inside Sufiani saw everyone from the underworld city and was confused as to what was going on and saw Leo there.

"Can someone please explain what is happening and why is everyone from the city all here all cramped?" Sufiani asked all confused. 

"The intruders invaded our city, and we are in danger". said Hongbin while holding his two twins on his lap.

"How did I not know this?" Sufiani sighed.

Leo then stood and walked towards Sufiani and hugged her like his life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you were in that coma, I thought I lost you". said Leo as his tears started to stream down his face. 

"It wasn't your fault, I should have being careful". Sufiani replied while caressing his cheeks wiping away his tears with her thumbs. 

All of a sudden light entered the but this light has a peaceful presence a figure of an angel appeared making some scaredy-cats to react.

"Hello everyone please don't be afraid I'm only God's messenger Angel Seo Minwoo, I'm here to leave a message to miss Jung Sufiani... is she here?" the angel spoke out. 

BTS and MBLAQ pointed their fingers at Leo & Sufiani all terrified. 

"~yaaaaaaaah~ am I that terrified?" the angel asked while they shook their heads.

The angel smiled at Sufiani sweetly and peacefully as he handed her an envelope.

"For me?" Sufiani asked the angel. 

"Yes... by the Jonghyun-ah, RiSe-ah and EunB-ah said hi, and they miss you all like myself". the angel gently smiled making everyone feels at peace.

"UMM thank you..." Sufiani replied uncertain.

"Your welcome and I have to go now because I have the holy military service that I must attend to". said the angel and left.

Sufiani then opened the holy letter sent from God, like other times it was at first blank but golden letters starts to appear magically causing the rest of them to bulge their eyes out in surprise.

"Omo! Look!" Jin exclaimed.

Sufiani then looked at Leo.

"Want me to read it out loud?" Leo asked Sufiani. 

Sufiani then handed over the magical letter in which is said:

To my dear surviving children of the underworld city, as you can see myself and the team have been working very hard to protect you all from the enemies. As the final war against the Sasaengs is drawing closer I will lend you all my powers so that you all can win. Continue to work harder I  you trainings, and we will continue to have your backs.

Good luck with your battle and regards, 


Everyone in the whole room remained silent, and they started to train all of a sudden out of the blue causing Leo and Sufiani to smile at each other. Yulia interrupted Leo and Sufiani's interaction.

"Oppa, remember that you're engaged already to that crazy Sasaeng Heidi". said Yulia while holding a baby in her arms, the revelation caused Sufiani's shatters into pieces.

"Ah yeah, it's good see you again princess but I have to go". said Leo.

"It's okay oppa, you have duties to complete". Sufiani replied while putting on a forced smile. 

It has been 5 years and Leo is engaged to a Sasaeng girl. Who is Heidi? What's her purpose in getting engaged with Leo? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 72.


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