Vampire Vixx chapter 40 Freedom...

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So as Di explained the whole situation the wolves waged their tails viciously as to their excitements of the girls tickling their ears (a/n: Just use Luhan's Excited song for this situation with petting EXO boys here).

"Okay I think I've covered everything here... any question?" Di spoke up.

One of EXO wolves put their furry paw up.

"Yes Chen..." Di replied.

"If we do a good job... Do we get treats?" Chen asked cutely.

"Yeah -.-" Di replied.

"I think we should get going then". said Sufiani with the others nodding their heads.

They all head out, the girls say on the wolves back and headed to Seo In-Guk's house; they rang the doorbell, and he opened the door with a surprised expression on his face.

"Oh hey... what brings you all here?" Seo In-Guk asked while rubbing his left eye.

"We need you". said Yulia which made Seo In-Guk's heart skip a beat right at that moment.

"Need me? Need me for what?" he asked all confused.

"The VIXX boys got kidnapped, and we need you to drive us there with your car". Di replied.

"Wait what?! What happened to them?!" he exclaimed all worried.

"We'll tell you in the car, now's not the time for question we need you to help us to rescue the boys". Sufiani replied while pulling Seo In-Guk out of the house.

"Wait a minute you have the 12 doggies behind you to help out". said Seo In-Guk.

"Hey! Who are you calling a doggy?!" Xuimin exclaimed while pouting.

"Well they don't know the way and plus your car has the GPS system where it can navigate and detect VIXX a lot easier". said Lilli.

"Ugh... Fine... but tell the boys that they owe me big time". Seo In-Guk deeply sighed and replied.

The girls and the wolves all hugged him leaving him to have the time to breath, they all went in the secret garage car park and went inside the ghostbuster bus.

"Wae?" Sandy asked all confused with her head tilted to the side.

"What's wrong Sandy-ssi?" Seo In-Guk asked.

"What's with the bus?" she asked him while pointing to the bus.

"Well since you're a large group to rescue VIXX I might of use the Ghostbusters bus". he replied.

"The what?..." Lilli asked.

"The Ghostbusters bus". he replied again.

"Ghostbusters bus... I never heard of it..." said Candy.

"Seriously -.-". Seo In-Gul face palmed himself.

"Ghostbusters... It sounds really familiar". said Di while staring at the Ghostbusters famous logo.

The EXO wolves also stared at the logo for a while and their tails started to wag.

"See... even Di and EXO knows the Ghostbusters". said Seo In-Guk.

"Mian oppa". said Sufiani while cutely bowing.

"It's okay, well I wasn't expecting you guys don't know anything from the past why aren't I surprised". he replied while scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay enough chit-chat let's get a move on". Di suddenly spoke up.

They all entered inside the bus and it was... really messy T_T one of Seo In-Guk's biggest weakness he has is that he is a messy person causing all the girls to gasp in shock.

"Sit anywhere and because it looks like the journey is going to be long". said Seo In-Guk.

They all sat anywhere and with some wolves lying on the floor (a/n: since they are in their wolves form so it makes sense that some of them are on the floor) and there was an unbearable silence during the journey until Yulia broke that silence.

"Yah! Oppa! Why is the bus all messy?! Huh?!" Yulia asked.

"Well... I didn't have the time". he replied.

"Even your house is messy... you can't possibly tell me that you didn't have the time". said Yulia with her lifted brow leaving him speechless.

"Unnie hajima". Adi cuts in trying to keep the atmosphere peaceful.

"Yah! Answer me". said Yulia loudly totally ignoring Adi and causing everyone to flinch.

"You see about that I was about to clean but you guys came to my door all of a sudden". Seo In-Guk lied but smiled forcefully.

"Aigoo seriously oppa... you can't fool me I know when someone is lying". Yulia scoffed.

The girls all looked at Seo In-Guk and Yulia with a smirk on their faces making Yulia to notice the eyes on her.

"~Waeeeeeee~ What's with the creepy smiles?". Yulia suddenly spoke.

"Why are you nagging at oppa so much?" Sandy asked cutely.

"Because... UGH I mean look at this?! Do you think it looks presentable to have all this mess around you and specially when there're ladies around?" Yulia snapped while eying at all the girls, and they shook their heads and keeping themselves silent.

As Seo In-Guk puts in his detection navigation device on his car and made a beeping noise.

"They're over here". Seo In-Guk pointed on the navigator screen with everyone looking the where he pointed.

"Okay let's get a move on". said Sufiani.

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

Katie and Charlotte were having a hard time trying to make Hongbin her personal slave.

"Damn it! This boy is really stubborn". Katie huffed.

"Can I have some fun with the guy in the middle?" Charlotte asked while pointing at Leo.

"You mean Leo?... Leo's mine too so therefore you can't touch him either". Katie scoffed.

"You're really selfish you know that". Charlotte blurted out loud for Katie to hear.

"I beg your pardon?" Katie stopped and looked at Charlotte.

"I said you're really selfish". Charlotte coldly repeated it once again not caring what Katie thinks.

"Me? Selfish? I'm not selfish I'm..." Katie raised a brow at Charlotte but was cut off by a sound of a loud crash.

Katie and Charlotte looked at each other with a confused look on their faces and went back to their prisoners, but then they heard a sound of a growl making them stop and slowly turning their heads.

"So there you are". said a female voice.

"Youngji..." Katie faked a smile.

"Cut the crap with me Katie". Di snapped.

"Well she tried to make Hongbin her personal slave". Charlotte said all of a sudden.

"Will you shut up!" Katie glared at Charlotte.

"Why should I? You're just a selfish brat". Charlotte said coldly leaving Katie lifeless.

"Well why am I not surprised... she's always a selfish brat and even in high school when I was dating Jackson in the past she managed to talk behind my back & made my ex-boyfriend to break up with me and thinking she was a friend which she was not in the first place and got what she wanted". said Di.

Katie gritted her teeth together angrily.

"You'll pay for this!" Katie yelled.

"Oh boohoohoo my heart is bleeding for you". Di and Charlotte said together.

Katie ran out of the door leaving all of them behind, the rest of them looked at Charlotte.

"I really didn't want to kidnap them and it was all Katie's idea none of them was touched... I'm really sorry". said Charlotte while handing over a key to Di.

"It's okay it's not your fault I already know what kind of person Katie really is". said Di.

"Hey... do you have a place a to live?" Sufiani asked Charlotte.

"Well I'm staying in a motel at the moment". said Charlotte.

"She could stay with us". said Chen.

"Yeah since we don't have any females with us she could be the mother of the house". said Chanyeol with the rest of wolves nodding their heads happily.

"Fair enough... since their 12 of you are all male you must treat her like a lady". said Adi.

"Oh we will". said the wolves' unison.

"Is anyone going to free us or nah?" Ravi asked while raising a brow.

"I'm coming". said Di.

Di unlocked the locks that was attached with the chains and looked at Hongbin who feels that life was coming back to him.

"That was a relief". said Hongbin while holding onto his chest where his heart is located to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" Di asked him and Hongbin simply just nodded.

"Okay let's all go home now". said Lilli.

As everyone left the abandoned building and went inside Seo In-Guk Leo shook head while looking at Seo In-Guk's bad habit (the messiness). Now that the boys are free and Charlotte has a new place called home and brand-new friends... Why does Katie hate Di aka Youngji so much? Will Charlotte adapt well with the EXO wolves?  

End of chapter 40.


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