Vampire Vixx chapter 49 The other mansion...

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As Yulia and Seo In-Guk reached the mansion, Yulia got off the car and barged in his mansion to start inspecting to check if there's any mess around the house.

"Yah I told you that my house is clean". Seo In-Guk protested.

"And what is this?" Yulia asked as she holds up a pair of boxers.

"Ahh!" Seo In-Guk tried to protest but was cutten off by Yulia.

"YAH! I told you to keep your house tidy before your mother comes over". Yulia nagged at him while he covered himself thinking that she was going to hit him.

"Mian... please don't hit me". he defended himself.

"Aigoo aigoo you're so hopeless". she replied while hitting his arm.

"Ah! I'm sorry I'm sorry! Ah!" he replied while getting hit by Yulia.

3 hours later...

Yulia finished off cleaning Seo In-Guk's mansion.

"Looks like I have to move in here to make sure you don't keep making a trail of mess as if you're some snake leaving scales". said Yulia.

"Wait you're planning to move in with me?!" he exclaimed with his widen eyes.

"Nae". she replied back bluntly.

"Don't you think it's a bit far... we're not married". he twitched his fingers nervously.

"Well I know that we're not married but in your case of lack of tidiness and order in your own home I have no choice but to move in". she reasoned out.

"Fine, but I don't want my mother to misunderstand things". said Seo In-Guk.

"Okay okay fine, but you were the one that said a massive lie". she hissed like an angry cat.

"I know... I'm sorry please don't hit me". he said as he protected himself.

"Aigoo aigoo". she replied as hit his arm.

"Ah! I already said I'm sorry". he pouted.

"Just stop apologizing before I end up hitting you merciless". she snapped.

"Okay..." he replied like a child who got scolded by their parent.

"Any ways I was thinking in using one of your guest rooms you have so there won't be a problem". she reasoned out.

"That's the problem I only have one guest room which is my mother's room". he replied while scratching his head nervously.

Yulia then looked at him with a serious expression on her face with a 'boi you lying' look.

"I'll be the one to look around your mansion". said Yulia.

"I only have 2 bedrooms". Seo In-Guk replied.

"What is this an apartment?" Yulia asked with sarcasm.

Seo In-Guk just looked at the ground all embarrassed.

"Oh I see... you use some rooms here as your places to pile up useless shit that is not needed". she scoffed.

Yulia then found an empty room and looked at Seo In-Guk with a smirk.

"This room will do". she sudden blurted out loud.

"Eh?!" Seo In-Guk eyes widen in shock.

"Bwo? Do you have a problem messy child?" she suddenly snapped?

"Aniyo... I h-have no p-pr-prroblems at all". he stuttered.

"That's what I thought... listen I'll move in tomorrow". she replied, and he simply nodded like a lost child who have been lost in a forest.

After the small discussion Yulia went back to the other mansion and started to pack her things, Sufiani, Lilli and Candy came into the bedroom she was sharing with Hyuk and Sandy.

"Hey Yulia unnie... why are you packing your things?" Sufiani asked her sister.

"I've decided to move into Seo In-Guk's place tomorrow". said Yulia.

"Omo omo, what's this? You're moving in with the love of your life". Candy teased Yulia.

"Yah! He's not the love of my life... I'm only moving in because his mother is coming to visit his soon, and he can't keep his house clean, so I'm helping him out". she reasoned out.

"Oh I see you're going to help him out... but moving into his house means that you do like him more than a friend". said Lilli.

"I don't like that way". Yulia stomped her feet.

"Well he is a guy and your girl what do you think that will end up". Candy lifted her brow.

"Nothing will happen I promise you that". she pointed out.

"Well you will be technically sharing rooms together". Candy smirked.

"No we won't be sharing rooms because I found an empty room that will be my bedroom". said Yulia.

"Whatever but I will put my bet you two will end up dating". said Candy.

"Same". Lilli shook Candy's hand in agreement.

"Me too plus you two make a cute couple". said Sufiani.

"Count me in too in the bet". said Sandy as she entered bedroom with Hyuk.

"Omo is noona moving in with my future brother-in-law?" Hyuk asked innocently with a sweet smile.

"Yah! He ain't going to be no future-brother-in-law". Yulia defended.

"Yeah yeah yeah keep on denying it". said Adi who also came in the room.

"UGH! Whatever, I'm just moving in because Seo In-Guk needed a favour from me and I'm just helping him out... any ways will you excuse me I need to finish off packing". Yulia rolled her eyes all sassy.

Ken then comes in quietly and taps Sufiani's shoulder.

"Yah noona, where's Yulia noona going?" Ken asked as he whispers to Sufiani.

"She's going to the other mansion". she replied back to her young cousin.

"Other mansion?" Ken whispered as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Seo In-Guk oppa's place". Sandy replied between whispers.

"Omo she's moving over to hyung's place?" Ken whispered to Sandy and she simply nodded her head.

Everyone all went to the dining table to eat their dinner cooked by Leo and it was Yulia's last dinner with her family since she is moving in with Seo In-Guk's place which is the other mansion.

Now that Yulia is moving in the other mansion... Do you think they will end up dating or nah? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 49.


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