Vampire Vixx chapter 37 True love's Kiss...

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Sufiani and the rest of them went to bed as it was really late leaving Hongbin in the kitchen on his own cleaning the dishes from supper. After he finished he went to sit in the garden to admire the stars then he felt someone sat next to him.

"Beautiful aren't they?" said the female voice.

"Oh hey Di... can't sleep?" Hongbin replied.

"I can't sleep so many things is making me think". said Di.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked her.

"Well kinda". she replied.

"You can tell me if you want". said Hongbin giving Di a soft nudge.

"Promise me you won't laugh or think I'm weird". Di shyly replied.

"I promise... plus I won't bite". he said between chuckles.

"Well... the first time I met you I somehow feel that I've known you but I just think I've gone bonkers". Di sheepishly confessed.

Hongbin's cheeks slowly formed his famous dimple smile which made Di tilt her head to the side all confused.

"Oppa... are you alright?" she asked him which made him snap out from his spacing out.

"Y-y-yeah". he replied with stutter.

"Oh okay... I think it's just weird because I only met you through Sufiani-yah". she continued.

Hongbin simply nodded and stared at her beautiful eyes (a/n: yes people we all know that Youngji has beautiful eyes), he then looked back at the stars that was shining like bright diamonds in the sky... Di suddenly leaned her head onto Hongbin's shoulder which made him surprised and did not expect her sudden action at that exact moment... when their gaze met each other their faces were 1 inch away from each other making Di's cheeks to have a shade of pink, Hongbin then made a move on her in which she also responded to his sudden move; they kissed under the moonlight that was shining like a pearl.

She then opened her eyes feeling a bit blurry but as soon she saw Hongbin her eyes was filled with tears as if she remembered something that has been a part of her all this time.

"Youngji???" Hongbin suddenly spoke feeling a bit worried.

"Beanie..." she replied and broke down in tears (a/n: Some One Piece reference for those that have seen or read the series in the Dressrosa Arc).

"OMG Youngji..." Hongbin called out as he also broke down in tears and then hugged her.

As they were crying for a good 2 minutes they continued kissing each other as they haven't seen each other right after Youngji went into a deep sleep for many years and quite similar to Sleeping Beauty.

"I am so sorry oppa for making you wait for so long like this". said Youngji/Di.

"It's okay babe at least you're back in my arms again". Hongbin flashed his dimple smile.

"Well I already liked you if I was under the name of Di". she said while she fiddles her fingers.

"Oh Jinja? Well that's good for me to take you upstairs". he wriggled his eyebrows at her.

Youngji hit his chest due to the fact her face was already burning up.

"~Oppa~ What are you thinking?!" Youngji whined all embarrassed.

"About you and me having a life together with a bunch of kids running around". Hongbin smiled.

"You really want that?" Youngji asked.

"Nae but first we have to get married to have those beautiful kids that you're going to produce from me". he whispered in her ear.

She held cheeks because she was burning up and hugged him tightly.

"When are we planning the whole wedding ceremony?" she asked him as he is cute eyes looked up at Hongbin like an innocent child.

"We can get married next month". he replied and softly kissed her on her forehead.

~Next Morning~

Everyone all woke up and was fighting over the bathroom making the boys rush up the stairs to see what is happening.

"Hey what's all the commotion?" N asked.

The girls all got up from the floor and see Ken on the ground as he was trying to get to the bathroom first but was tackled down by the girls.

"Oh hi N". Sufiani sang while popping her head out on her bedroom door.

"Do you mind me asking what is going on?" N asked again with a lifted brow while eyeing Ken whose still on the floor.

"I want to go in the bathroom first until I got attacked by these beasts here". Ken explained.

N deeply sighed.

"Just let them go in first since they are the ladies of the house there's always a rule that us men must complete is that ladies first". said N.

"Hyung do you have any idea what is like to have these so-called 'ladies' as your cousins and sisters?" Ken questioned N.

"No I don't actually... but please tell me I would like to know everything". N sarcastically replied.

"It's a nightmare... they take forever in the bathroom and I don't know what they so much in there but it feels as if they're doing some voodoo shit". Ken dramatically explained.

"Excuse me?!" Lilli exclaimed.

N moved away a further back as he saw a group of violent girls attacking Ken.

"Hyung! Don't leave me! Help me! Save me from these monsters!" Ken screamed as he reached his hand out towards N.

"Can't help you Ken... you brought it upon yourself". N replied.

"HUUUUH!?" Ken squealed like a girl.

N went downstairs leaving the war zone that was happening; after the dramatic scene that involves around Ken, the boys started to tease Ken during breakfast time, after breakfast everyone can see something different like a spark between Hongbin and Di.

"Yah yah what's with the 2 of you today?" Ken asked all curious.

Sufiani knew that Youngji has finally wakened and the love Hongbin has for Youngji is even stronger than before and that the theory that Sufiani's father told her was true that the power of the true love's kiss was the only way for Youngji to be fully awakened.

"We're officially dating". Hongbin and Di sang unison.

The whole dining table was in silence until Sufiani broke the silence.

"This needs a celebration like right away". said Sufiani while clapping her hands happily like a child.

Everyone got up and did a group hug congratulating the couple, they celebrated and had a few laughs together like it was no tomorrow. The girls went to the library a long with Ken, N, Leo and Ravi with them leaving Hongbin in the kitchen, as he was taking out the trash bags to the trash can and then all of a sudden his vision went black... Hyuk felt something wasn't right which made him go downstairs as there was no sign of Hongbin in the kitchen and saw that the front door was opened as he closed it something hit hard him on the head which made Hyuk fall to the ground unconscious; Ravi felt thirsty all of a sudden and went to the secret room where only vampires are allowed as he drank his drink went out of the secret room but a hand smothered him and everything went black. Ken, N and Leo were unaware of what's going on N remembered that he haven't check if there's any petrol bottles, so he went to the car park and opened the back of the car and felt someone pushed him and locked him inside; Ken decided felt hungry, sneaked down the stairs and to his surprise there was no sign of Ravi, Hyuk, N and Hongbin, he then scratched hie head in confusion but processed towards the kitchen; saw a cookie jar then started to munch on them he then saw a cup of tea on the counter which was recently made, and he drank it but felt dizzy and fell to the ground (the tea had sleeping drug). Hours had passed and the 4 boys haven't returned to the library and Hongbin didn't call them for lunch or dinner which made the girls hungry and went to the kitchen to see what to eat leaving Leo and Sufiani alone in the library.

"Do you feel that I feel?" she asked Leo.

"Yes...." Leo replied with a nod.

"Something is not right I can feel it". she said.

Leo didn't replied, but he understood what she's saying.

"Listen why don't you go downstairs and eat something". Leo turned to her.

"Okay I'll won't take too long". she replied.

Sufiani suddenly hugged Leo tightly, she then departs from the hug and went downstairs to join with the rest of the girls in the kitchen. Meanwhile, opened the balcony door-window something fell on him from the roof and everything went black. As the girls finished their meal they all headed upstairs to their rooms Sufiani sneaked in the library and saw the balcony's door was wide open which there was no sign of Leo anywhere.

Now that Youngji is fully awakened is happy to be Hongbin's girlfriend but what happened to the boys sudden disappearance... who is responsible? Who could be the culprit behind it all? Find that out on next chapter.

End of chapter 37.


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