Vampire Vixx chapter 68 Getting Closer...

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Ever since Leo and Sufiani started to attend the dance lessons Louie notices the awkward atmosphere between the two.

"Okay everybody that is all for today... class dismissed!" Louie exclaimed happily.

As everyone was leaving Louie stopped Leo and Sufiani,

"Are you two okay?" Louie asked them.

"Nae we are... wae?" Sufiani replied and asked as she tilted her head.

"I can feel that you are awkward with each other". Louie explained.

"Oh really?" Sufiani sheepishly replied.

"But don't worry I think its cute doe". Louie cutely twirled making Leo feel uncomfortable.

Sufiani felt her cheeks were on fire as she felt Leo's hand making contact with hers, Louie then turned around with a smile.

"I do have a homework for just for the two of you". Louie spoke up.

They both looked at each other with a confused look on their faces.

"Don't worry it's not bad it's just an ummm... a small team workshop task". Louie explained.

"Oh okay". they replied as they nodded their head.

Louie then smiled and the young couple said their goodbye to him then left the dance studio, Leo and Sufiani then packed up their stuff in their bags and went home together where the rest of them were waiting for them to arrive home for a dinner gathering like family since they live together.

Weeks went by Leo and Sufiani were getting more and closer to each other at the dance lessons.

"Okay everyone we are going to do something more sexy and spicy". Louie cooed as he winked at Leo & Sufiani.

Leo gulped as he felt Louie was up to something.

"Can Leo & Sufiani come and demonstrate us all what we have learnt". Louie smiled.

Leo's hands starts to sweat as he was nervous and shy also making Sufiani blush aggressively, Louie then pushed the frozen couple to the middle.

"Alright class let me demonstrate how a couple be closer when they're dancing the waltz or the tango". Louie explained.

Louie then demonstrated every single move while using Leo and Sufiani as the demonstrators and as the day ended, Louie called them over for a small chat.

"You two did an amazing job today and it also helped the rest of the dancers to feel comfortable with each other". said Louie.

"Oh, thank you and I'm glad we were able to help the rest of our fellow dance members to trust one another". Sufiani politely replied.

They bid their goodbye to their dance mentor and left the dance studio, Leo suddenly stopped making Sufiani to stop.

"Princess want to have a date at the park today?" Leo asked out of nowhere.

"Okay oppa". Sufiani shyly replied.

Leo then took a gentle hold of her hand and went to have a nice smooth stroll in the park. They then sat on the bench and looked up at the artificial starry night sky with the Moon and stars sparkling beautifully.

"Oppa are you going to wish on something if a shooting star appear?" Sufiani asked while looking at the artificial sky.

"Nae". he replied with a gentle smile.

A shooting star appears and Leo wished on something and looked at Sufiani with her eyes closed wishing for her wish making Leo blush on how sweet and innocent she looks. Leo then gently kisses Sufiani on her left cheek making her blush.

After their sweet short date they went back home and saw the others waiting for them for dinner.

"Hyung! Noona! we were waiting for you two to arrive, so we can have dinner together". said Ken.

"Nae". Sufiani cheerfully replied as she pulls Leo to the dining room while the rest of them just follows behind.

As they sat down to start their dinner feast Sufiani sits in front of Leo and as they made eye contact they both blush as if time stopped feeling like they were the only ones in the room. Leo then felt a soft pat on his shoulder like a presence was there in the dining room making him look around and saw no one while the others were chatting and eating. Sufiani looked at the giant mirror behind Leo and saw 3 smiling angels on the reflection of the mirror putting up their thumbs up as they're going to support the closeness of Leo and Sufiani making her smile.

"Noona what are you smiling at?" Hyuk asked making Sufiani come back to reality.

"Hmmm nothing in particular". Sufiani as she looked in a mirror again but there was no one there.

After dinner was over everyone were busy with their creativity while Sufiani went back to the dining room where the mirror was standing gracefully and saw a blank paper on the floor; as she picks it the blank paper letters starts to magically appear making Sufiani remembers that she had a blank paper that letters appears when Jonghyun went to heaven. This time it was another letter from God.

To my dearest child Sufiani,

How much I watched you grow into a fine young lady, and I am truly proud of how much you've achieved.
Angel Jonghyun has told me all about you and Leo... Finally, you two were meant to be, I have waited patiently for this moment to come.
I have heard Leo's wishes and your wishes, and I am truly supporting it.
However the enemies knows where you are all are... so you all better prepare yourselves for the final battle is nearly approaching.
But fear not my army of angels and I will help you all by giving you all of the strength for the war.

So continue to attend the dance classes at Louie's dance studio because I know this will help you to up more closeness with Leo.

That is all I want to say and don't worry Angel Jonghyun is not alone anymore because he has Angel EunB and Angel RiSe by his side watching everyone on earth.

Lots of love



After Sufiani finishes reading the letter the blank paper then magically turn to dust just like the last time she saw Angel Jonghyun by the fountain. Sufiani suddenly then felt an intense dark feeling in the air making her go to the launch room where Hyuk and Sandy are having a lovey-dovey moment.

"Noona/Unnie is something wrong?!" they sang unison.

"They found us... those bitches found us". Sufiani replied as she was having trouble breathing while clutching on her chest trying to say more.

"Who found us?" Lilli asked as she rushed in the launch room with N.

"The enemy..." said Sufiani as she felt she was sweating and going pale.

"Yah Sufiani-ah are you okay?!" Lilli exclaimed worriedly as she touched her sister's hand.

"I'll go get Leo and the others right now". said N as he rushed up the stairs like a lightning bolt (a/n: N is a vampire so course he would rush up the stairs like a lightning bolt since they can get up the stairs within less than 5 seconds... I know I haven't done an a/n's for a while but here I am :D I'm back yeeeey for me, okay back to the story).

Sufiani then felt everything was becoming dark with Leo catching her on time, he then touched Sufiani's forehead.

"Looks like she has a fever... I'm going to take to the bedroom and nurse her..." said Leo.

"A fever? But she was fine a while ago that is so strange". said Candy with Ken nodding his head in agreement.

Does Sufiani has a fever or is it more than a simple fever? What kind of dark presence did Sufiani felt? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 68.


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