Vampire Vixx chapter 63 Family Business...

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The Lee family just opened up a family business which is a cafeteria, Di has been very busy with spending time with Troy & Kiki. Hongbin was able to have a lot of time to spend with his small family.

"Yagi do you think we're going to have customers?" Di asked her handsome husband.

"Of course we will, well we are the most attractive married couple with 2 beautiful twins". Hongbin replied with a smile.

After Di fed and changed the babies nappies and puts them to sleep she took one of the walkie-talkie with her to hear if one of the twins start to cry, she decided to help Hongbin to wipe the tables and put up special café menus outside the cafeteria. Di felt 2 pairs of strong arms wrapping around her waist gently.

"I'm so glad that I have the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife". said Hongbin as he hugged his wife making his blush.

As they finished organizing everything for their first day of opening the cafeteria. Hongbin puts up the open sign and opened the door, Hongbin to bake some cookies and cakes and then puts them up in display after they were finished been baked and started to make coffee, tea, smoothies and other drinks as soon when a customer decided to come in. Di finished decorating  cute flowers in the outside and inside the cafeteria until she heard the walkie-talkie, it was one of the twins crying and since she finished helping her husband to attend the needs of her children.

After she finished with the twins she went back down to the cafeteria to help Hongbin, to her surprise her cafeteria was filled with customers purchasing with satisfied looks on their faces with their cup of coffee in their hands.

"Yeobo how are you coping?" Di asked him.

"I'm coping well actually". Hongbin replied with a smile.

"I'm so glad I have the best husband in the world". Di cooed.

Hongbin hugged his wife making her blush on happy his life is now.


Hongbin and Di closed the door and started to clean the café since it was very late and the superficial sun was slowly going down and the superficial moon & stars slowly came up to make it look real like the outside world. After they finished cleaning and tidying up everything they went upstairs to check on the babies and went inside the living room to have dinner and watch TV that shows what's happening in the outside world which is above them, then old Asian dramas that are on repeat came on.

"Yeobo I do you think the Sasaengs find out our hideout?" Di asked Hongbin.

"Now what I think of... now but don't worry everything is going to be fine". Hongbin replied as he planted a gentle kiss on Di's forehead.

With that the babies started to cry in unison and the couple both got up and attended to their children needs.

Will the Sasaengs find the underworld? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 63.


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