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Name: Rainpaw

Good for the apperance, but many people use the prefix "Rain-"

Age: 9 moons

Around the average age for an Apprentice

Gender: tom

YUS! I don't see many Toms' with the prefix "Rain-" so, double points!

Rank: apprentice


Clan: RiverClan (former kittypet)

OOOooooOooOoo! #RiverClanIsBae

Apperance: Fat blue-gray tom with big paws and round, blue eyes.

XD I laugh everytime I read this

Personality: Selfish, Bossy, Grumpy, Vigilant, Rude, Lazy, and not caring at all.

Dude, take a chill pill! He has flaws :)

Backstory:Rainpaw was born as a former kittypet, owned by some rich Twolegs that spoil him to the core. One day, Rainpaw (then named Hercules) was on a car trip with his Twolegs, out to on vacation to visit their favorite lakeside camping place. Along the way, Hercules and his Twolegs got into a car accident and only Hercules survived. Before the ambulance and help arrived, Hercules somehow was able to escape the scene and wander away bleeding only to be found by a RiverClan patrol. The patrol took him to the RiverClan camp, where the leader allowed him to be healed in their camp. When Hercules was healed, the leader asked if he wanted to join RiverClan. Hercules didn't want to join this "filthy" clan, but forced himself to because he had no other place to stay. He was then given the name Rainpaw, because it was raining when he was found and for the color of his fur. Through his apprenticeship, Rainpaw hated everything; his mentor, Clan, fellow apprentices, and leader. One night, Rainpaw couldn't take it anymore and snuck out of camp by himelf to go find a Twoleg to take care of him. Because he never listened to Clan meetings or his mentor in training sessions, he had no idea on how to fight and didn't know that a fox was loose on RiverClan territory. Soon after Rainpaw left camp, he was encounted by the fox and killed by it. He had no mate or kits, but had a small liking on a pretty ThunderClan she-cat named Wrenpaw when he saw her at Gatherings.

AWWWWWW! This is so sad! BRB, *-cries in a corner-*

Kits/Mate/Crush: Crush: Wrenpaw

Pretty name!

Overall, I think that Rainpaw is pretty good! I give him a 10/10! :)

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