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Name: howlingwind 

Great name! I personally like it. 10/10

Age: 32 moons

Noice 10/10

Gender: tom

WHOOHOO!!! 10/10

Rank: warrior 

YAsss 10/10

Clan: strikeclan 

Seen it before, but highly uncommon. 9/10

Appearence: a large light grey tom with long unkept fur that goes along with a few scars here and there along with a pair If copper eyes 

Thank you for specifieing so well! I like copper eyes, there underused. And that you said scars. And the fur is long and Unkept! 10/10

Personality: howlingwind is a quiet quite soft spoken tom who is rarely loud. He is not the best at defending himself at lets say he's acused of something. However he is quite Skilled in battle. 

Great! I like the flaw of not being able to defend himself, that's just great. 9/10

Backstory: howlingwind and his sister iceclaw Was born in to Grammar, my child strikeclan a stormy winter They don't know what WINTER is night to their mother brightdawn. A few moons later after they had opened their eyes the clan Was under an attack from the bordering clan bushclan. They tried to kill his mother and him as well as his sister but a warrior came right in time and killed the other warrior by accident while the small kit watched. Seeing someone die infront of him so Young scared him and made him become more introverted. He became an apprintence around 2-3 moons later however training Was hard for himAnd he dident Didn't become a warrior till he Was around 18 moons. As a warrior he mostly hangs around his sister iceclaw and a few friends he managed to make as an apprintence apprentice

Lol, sorry for pointing out the grammar mistakes, I know that's rude, but I can't help it XD

This is okay. 9/10. Why would a warrior want to kill kits?

Mate: none/ crush: dusklight (a cat i Did not Mention in the backstory) / kits: none

AWwe :3 10/10

Overall, I give a 87/100. Everything above

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