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Name: Stripestar

This is decent, but common. What was her warrior name? 10/10

Age: 25 moons.

Pretty young for a leader... I'll have to read the backstory. 10/10

Gender: Female


Rank: Leader (duh)

Duh. I would say to change the rank, but every clan NEEDS a leader. 10/10

Clan: DarknessClan

Oooo, points for originality! 10/10

Appearance: She's very lithe yey, and has an appearance similar to that of a tiger's...but not to the point where she looks unnatural XD wut. She also had red eyes. (I know I'm going to lose points for that, no need to tell me twice)

Well, cats CAN have red eyes. It's not really... natural looking, but I think that it's fine. 10/10

Personality: Caring, friendly, and an extremely loyal warrior. She also has a tendency to be overly paranoid sometimes, much to the annoyance of her friends.

Caring is SO overused, but I LOVE paranoid cats. I'm not sure why. 

Don't change this, but put a few more flaws.


That's a negative negative


Add a few more flaws, like scared of something (EX: Fernstalk is afraid of Toms and kits)


Backstory: Stripestar (named Tigerkit CUTE when she was born) was born a DarknessClan cat, the fifth yes five clans BRUH Clan among the original which only StarClan knows about. All throughout her kithood, Tigerkit wondered why StarClan had placed her Clan so far away from the others that is a great question OMSC Tigerkit is bae...though her friends often convinced her to stop constantly thinking of such a thing and focus more on the carefree life of being a kit YES THEY ARE RIGHT. SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN, I CAN FEEL IT . Upon eventually being told that many times over, Tigerkit came to the conclusion that her friends were right Dawww...and let herself be the energetic and playful kit she should've been a long time ago Tigerkit is seriously bae. But by the time she became an apprentice, it was no longer fun and games Ouch, that switch from kithood to apprenticehood . On one very early morning, a pack of foxes sniffed out the scent of DarknessClan told you something bad was going to happen , and broke into camp with the intentions of catching an easy meal. Tigerpaw witnessed the deaths of too many strong and powerful warriors, unfortunately including her own parents NUH, Honeyflower and Barkfur. Their daughter had been left devastated and almost traumatized, but she still pushed herself and managed to find the strength to chase the fox pack out of camp with the remaining cats of the Clan YOU CAN DO THIS, TIGERK-paw. After that, the mess that was made had easily been cleaned up, and Tigerpaw knew that it was time to put the past behind her and continue to be successful in her training. That way she would be prepared for anything that the depths of her Clan's territory would throw at her. As expected, the next few moons of her apprenticeship had turned out to be she witnessed her Clan leader, Wolfstar, loose his final life uh oh, as well as her mentor, the noble Goldenstripe UH OH, get snatched by Twolegs...never returning to DarknessClan afterwards OMERSTARCLAN NNUUUUUUU. Icestar, the new leader, took the liberty of finishing Tigerpaw's training, and she and her friends were the first apprentices to be made warriors under the leadership of Icestar. Tigerpaw was given the name Tigerstripe isn't she STRIPEstar now? Oh well, gotta keep reading. , after her former mentor, and vowed to be the best warrior she could be. DAWWW

lol I forgot to put everything in and I was about to ask why she's called Stripestar.


Though she could never seem to prove that, as the many moons that went by after she was made a warrior had turned out to be very boring XD THIS PART IS EPIC. DarknessClan territory is a good little distance away from the other Clans, so that unfortunately means no interaction with other cats WHAT, no attending Gatherings WHAT, and no thought of potential conflict WELL THAT'S GOOD. The only threat that was beyond Tigerstripe's territory was Suntail, an exiled member of DarknessClan uh oh Icestar gonn' die, and his rogues in Twolegplace...who plot to kill Icestar and take his Clan wow, what did Icestar do that I don't know about? Everyone wants to kill that cat . Soon, a bit of a border skirmish is developed on the night of a full moon, and results in the current Clan deputy getting killed. Taken by surprise by that event, Icestar hurriedly good thing you added that. Me likey picks Tigerstripe as the new deputy, instantly making her life much less boring than it had been once before yep. Time went by much quicker after that. Before she knew it, Tigerstripe was saying her last words to Icestar as his final life was being drained away...before she began her long journey to the Moonpool to receive her nine lives and officially become leader of DarknessClan. Instead of Tigerstar, Tigerstripe had become Stripestar for reasons unknown ...why? I need to know. It would be cool if she changed her name or something... ...of course leaving the new leader confused for a moment. Though what she was called did not matter, what matters is that she would strive to be a great leader...and begin her quest to make DarknessClan's presence known to the many other cats of the forest, and confirm that there has been more than four Clans living in the dangerous depths of the wild.



Kits/Mate/Crush: Her mate is Foxfur, and their kits are Pinekit, Flamekit, and Emberkit.

Why aren't they in the backstory? They're all cute name- PINEKIT


*starts crying*



What are the kits' future names?


Overall, I think you got a 100/100 but lemme check XD

Yep 100/100



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