Dapplesplash and Sunnynose

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Names: Dapplesplash and Sunnynose

Great names! Sunnynose kind of sounds female, but, who cares! *whispers* Erin Hunter does

Ages: DS is 36 moons and SN is 36 moons

Okay, average.

Genders: DS is female and SN is male


Ranks: DS is a queen and SN is a senior warrior


Clan: both ShadowClan 


Appearances: DS is a tortoiseshell and white she-cat with yellow eyes and SN is a white tom with ginger patches especially near his nose

Me Likey!

Personalities: DS is gentile, loving and social but will snap at any moment to defend her Clan, SN is kind and playful and brave but a little rude and disrespectful to the Warrior Code


Backstories: They were together since they were born and never left each other's sides, except when training of course, but they would often annoy their mentors to train together. They were extremely close siblings, and when they became warriors they would hunt with each other, play wth kits with each other, do everything a warrior does each other :P. But then Dapplesplash started ignoring Sunnynose and hanging out with another tom named Oatpelt. Sunnynose just thought that when two cats love each other, they drift away from they're siblings. So from then on Sunnynose hunted alone, fought alone, played alone, ate alone, but sometimes some cats came over to do these things with him seeing his LONELINESS. And Sunnynose brightened and hang out with them for moons. But he forgot about Dapplesplash, and when she finally came up to him, it took him a few minutes to realize who she was. She told him she was going to have kits. He congratulated her. And that's all I got till I really develope these two 😅

Awww, sort of like my OC, Sharpfang.

Mate and kits: Dapplesplash's mate is Oatpelt and they are going to have Driftkit, Acornkit, and Pebblekit


Overall, I give them a good 9/10 each. SN Might become jealous of her and try to win her over again, or something, but I understand that you haven't fully made them yet.


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