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Name: stargaze

I really don't approve. Star- though. -gaze is overused


Age:25 moons


Gender: tom

Yay! 10/10

Rank: medicine cat apprentice

Every clan needs one of those... 10/10


This is overused TO DEATH 5/10

Appearance: a lithe long furred silver and grey tom with copper eyes

SIlver is deadly, but he is silver AND gray, so I guess that's fine... 10/10

Personality: stargaze is a big mouthed bossy tom whom (who again) can be quite rude but is kind to those he is close to and tries to not be too rude to his patients

Big mouthed?  YAS. Er, kind, not really. It's  too overused. Being rude/shy and then kind. No. I like that he tries not to be rude to his patients! 9/10

Backstory: he was born to his mother ivywing who was about to die from bloodloss and sickness as she was naming her new borns ouch. She named his sister frostkit and as she took her final breath she named him starkit I'm surprised that he isn't a shekit, purple, or has rainbow eyes ;). Most cats think she was going to say that she saw starclan but mixed up the words and named him starkit. He was taken In along with his sister by a queen whom (who again) was a moon from having her own kits. Once he became an apprentice he became protective of his sister because one day she was almost hit by a monster. At the end of their training the medicine cat got a prophecy who basicly said "yeah starpaw is becoming a medicine cat" Upon getting to know it he refused since all his life he wanted to be a warrior. But after some "minor" compromises he caved in got his warrior name along his sister and began his training. He's still bitter about it and complains to this day.

10/10. It's made well, but change his name

Mate: can't have


Crush: none

Kits: can't have

10/10 YAS

Family: mother: ivywing father: venomfang sister: frostwing

Frostwing is overused


Overall, 88/100

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