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Name: Morningpaw (Morningleap)

This name is overused, honestly.

Age: 6 moons (new app <3)


Gender: The stereotypical she-cat, sowwy :3


Rank: Apprentice (later on become a medicine cat)


Sexuality: She my straight little bean :)


Personality: Shy, awkward, antisocial, not into flirting, smart, sometimes lonely, observant

This is all overused, except for awkward (xD same). Lonely is also not very common. Congrats! Observant is amazing. Never seen it before!

Appearance: Brown tortoiseshell with short, coarse fur, a slightly long tail, bright amber eyes, and a small size for her age.


Backstory: For her entire life so far, she's only gotten a long really well with her parents, the medicine cat Mudleaf, and her brother, Nightpaw. Unlike many young she-cats, including her sisters, she's never had any interest in flirting or finding a mate. She'd rather play with her brother or learn herbs. She also does well in warrior training, though it doesn't interest her much.

This is so short.... But good. Where is her kithood?


Mama: Wrenfeather


Daddy: Ivyclaw


Sisters: Stonepaw(Stonepelt) CANON and Shinepaw (Shinelight) Brother: Nightpaw(Nightsplash)

M/C/K: None boi

Overall, She needs a better backstory. 

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