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Name: Mossfeather 

Pretty name. I have a cat with the prefix "Moss-"

Age: about 23 moons


Gender: she-cat

Called it. My Moss- is a she-cat

Rank: warrior


Clan: ShadowClan 

The dark and scary Clan of blood

Appearance: dark grey she-cat with lighter grey stripes. Moss green eyes. Small scar on her nose.

Awe, cute! Moss green eyes-'Moss-' dark gray with lighter stripes-'-feather'

Personality: Fierce, but friendly to her Clanmates, sneaky, loyal to ShadowClan, likes to fight, strong

Just like a Shadowclanner

Backstory: She grew up a normal cat life as a kit, apprentice and then warrior, until a giant battle at a Gathering, she didn't trust anyone that easily. After an apprentice, named Fallpaw, became Fallheart, her spirit brightened and she joked that she would warm him up a spot in the den through his silent vigil. After that Fallheart and her formed a good friendship and they would often hunt together. And soon after that she formed a small crush on him. THE REST IS YET TO COME!!!!!! (I made this up from my Warriors RP)

Cool! I'm making a book from a Warriors RP :0 :)

Crush: Fallheart (not mine)

Cool name.

Overall, I give her a 10.5/1 Yes, I said 1 :)

Rating Your Warrior OCsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora