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Age: 15 moons


Gender: Tom

That goes with "Little-"

Rank: Warrior


Clan: Windclan 

The fast and speedy Clan

Apperance: He is a small white tom with ginger patches and ginger Tail that goes along with a pair of amber eyes

Small, good. Ginger patches, good. Amber eyes, good. Everything, good.

Personality: kind and honest bubbly talk active and he have problems at Times controling How loud his Voice is and he loves to make small harmless pranks, he never shows sadness or Hurt he always smiles since he dont want to burden someone


Backstory:Littleflame Was born in to Windclan to his mother gingerpatch and his father stoneshade, as a kit he would offen play with the other kits and would always pull some small harmless pranks to make the others smile, then durning apprintencehood he dident get the nicest mentor who would always drive him to his Max no mather what he Did Even to the point that he would colapse from the lack of sleep and when the leader asked If his mentor Was hurting him he denied not wanting to seem weak in the leaders eyes, on his final assesment he made It trough with ease becuse of the mentors harsh training, after he became a warrior he returned to his beloved prankings, One day durning One of them something went wrong and the cat fell in to the river and drowned, he tried to help but he nearly died himself, he couldent make himself to tell the leader the truth and lied about How the clan member had died and now suffers from nightmares of guilt 

Amazing backstory.

M/C/K: none

Overall, I think he should get a 10/0.00000000001    :0

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