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This time, you'll be rating my OC!

Name: Fernstalk

Age: 27 Moons

Gender: Female (I'll do a male next. That is my code of Warrior Cats Raters XD)

Sexuality: Plantsexual!

Clan: KestrelClan, the forest-island clan

Rank: New warrior

Personality: She is a troubled soul with a kind heart and many fears. She always had a huge ambition lying deep inside of her, but that ambition of becoming a mother was overcome by her fear of toms and kits. She gets uncomfortable when she is near kits and apprentice she because she doesn't know how to act around them. She is afraid still of toms because they could make her have kits. But, to top it all off, Fernstalk wants an apprentice very badly. If she would have gotten an apprentice, then she would feel one step closer to being a mother. She also loves night-time walks and she sleeps in the back of the Warriors Cave, where she feels warm, snug, and safe.

She also has no friends...

Looks: Fernstalk is a light gray Maine Coon with a white underbelly, paws, and the left half of her face. She has darker outlines of the light gray and they have darker stripes. Fernstalk has a very... gray tail. She also has blue eyes, sadly enough, but she has some white and that makes it possible. HA.

Last cat in the first chapter of the OCs!


Mother: Lilacwishes was a pure gray she-cat with lighter patches. She had hazel eyes and a happy personality. But before she had Fernstalk, she hadn't been able to have kits. So, StarClan saw her pain and have her a kit. (DECEASED, sadly :( )

Father: To her, it is unknown. But her father is Falconprowl, the fiercest warrior in the clan. He really truly cares about her and that's why he accidentally spooked her. He is a light brown tabby with a white underbelly and chest. (Alive!)

Adoptive father: Budstalk, a white warrior with many fears. (Deceased)

Siblings: Dove (my friends character, and I don't know what she looks like(ALIVE))

Has a secret brother named Dreamkit. He died when he was born and he was pure white with a brown patch covering his face (Deceased)

Other family: Her grandmother (mother's mother) is Milkmoth, a light sandy yellow she-cat who is blind, being an elder. Lilacwishes got her grayness from her father, Graybliss who is always happy and cheerful. Sadly, Graybliss is deceased. (I'll do Graybliss next!)

Mate: Uhm... a tree named Treeshase (you have to read the book, sadly)

Crush: She's terrified, so of course not!

Kits: Nope, but she hopes either for her own or at least to adopt.

Backstory: When Fernkit was born and could hear, she wouldn't open her eyes. Her adoptive father, Budstalk, would be paranoid that she was sickly or blind. But when Budstalk died due to slipping off the stepping stones on the river. Lilacwishes was devastated, but she grew happy and cheerful again when Fernkit opened her big blue eyes. Fernstalk has never forgotten that. When Fernkit became an apprentice, Fernpaw, her mother had gotten an illness from eating Crow food, and she wouldn't get better. Fernpaw didn't notice and kept on training. Lilacwishes never saw the day that her daughter became a warrior. Lilacwishes had died during the warriors assessement, making Fernpaw very upset. Lilacwishes would have seen her if she had been alive for one more day. Fernpaw thought that it was the Dark Forest taking control, and she would train with her leader and the Co-deputy (it's a thing in my book). They would hunt and fight together, keeping Fernstalk fit. Also, another thing, when Fernpaw became a warrior she named herself after her adoptive father, Budstalk.

Fernstalk had a quiet life as a warrior, and it is still going on. You can read more about it when my book, Fernstalk's Uncertainty, comes out. :)

How she died: She isn't dead yet, and I haven't figured it out. But I think she'll die from old age, or at least to become an elder and maybe save a kit from a forest fire...

Fanfic: Fernstalk's Uncertainty, soon to be published.

Other: Fernstalk gets catnapped by two-legs and gets neutered, making her train more and more with the leader and Co-deputy, and not be able to have kits.


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