Chapter 1 Part 2

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The Kingdom of new Tokyo.

A nation that resembled the 21st century Tokyo.

One of the few regions in this world where cars, buses, trains and buildings dominated the population.

It was a place where the 21st century norms were still being celebrated all over the nation.

But there was one thing that was different from this 26th century era after the phenomenon called The Great Change.

When the world was DIGITAL!


It was the year 2524.

The famous year of The Golden Age of Rookies.

Known as the pinnacle and best generation of rookies in the Kingdom of new Tokyo, it was the age where the best and strongest graduates in every corner of the kingdom gathered in an academic year.

They are our future. The future that will dictate the forthcoming unknown within the walls of this kingdom.

Normally, students had ten years to study in school (six years in elementary and four years in high school). Typically, students would graduate high school in the age of 16 and would choose if they would pursue a career using their abilities and skills, or continue studying in universities for college. For students who didn't choose the university life, especially those who enrolled in the kingdom's Character Scholarship program, they were often drafted by Official Guilds established in new Tokyo. Some of them even formed small guilds of themselves that were known as Freelance Guilds.

The Character Scholarship program in new Tokyo was started in high school. Even though not all students were enrolled in this scholarship, over half a million rookies, who were trained mentally and physically using their abilities, graduated within this year alone. But within these graduates, families and clans that were infamous for their bloodline abilities were the typical topnotchers in these graduation ranks.

The Royal Ambrosia Family, the Flame Clan, the Wind Slash Clan, they were some of the clans that were on the top of the mountain on this kingdom.

But in this world that was greatly influenced by the phenomenon called The Great Change, there was one of the important things that didn't change through the previous ages. The one that had been passed through from generation to generation.

The sparkling flames of competency.


Please don't forget to vote and comment if you like my story. It really motivates me to write more. And if you find some errors and plot holes, don't hesitate to leave a comment. ^_^

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