Chapter 7 - Cyber Beasts

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Just beneath the giant sleeping trees found inside the Saru Forest, Yosuke Masuda, together with his party, was wandering inside the jungle while being attentive to their surroundings. From encountering different species of animals and beasts to discovering different kinds of areas they had yet to explore, no one traveling in this jungle could let their guards down, especially when they knew champion beasts might be lurking somewhere around those woods.

Roaming this jungle felt like the crew was just taking a dip in a sea full of bushes. And yet, there was that strange feeling that something alive straying within those shrubs might suddenly jumped on them.

Giant trees served as the roof of this forest from the sun. There were only few rays of sunlight that passed through those large trees, making the Saru Forest a little dark.

There was some occasions of small insects just appearing inside the crew's clothes. There were also instances of the group spotting lost items of past adventurers in this woods. And thanks to this jungle full of wild plants and bushes, rivers found in this place looked like it was infested with crocodiles and other treacherous beasts.

However, several hours already passed since Yosuke and his entire party had entered the jungle. And yet, they still hadn't reached its end. By wandering in this place for hours, it just gave the crew a tiring exploration in this limitless-like ocean of bushes.

But as the group continued to explore deep down in the forest, they somehow noticed that plants and grasses around them were slowly getting thicker and denser from the time they had entered the jungle.

"Oh. This is great!" Laura cheerfully stated. "Because according to what I read, signs of thicker plants are a hint we're already close to the end of this forest."

"Thankfully, this will be over soon..."

The lack of sunlight kept the janitor boy's energy from rising. It was hard for him to breathe that Yosuke felt like he was going to suffocate. He was roaming the forest like an old man on his walking stick in the middle of a desert. And with his surroundings getting creepier than usual, the thought of hidden beast that could jump to them anytime was the reason why the janitor boy was always swinging his head back and forth.

But it didn't take too long until the group noticed a bright light on their path.


Noticing the light meant that it was the end of Saru Forest. Although the entire crew didn't manage to encounter the infamous Elemental Monkeys dwelling within this jungle, all of them were delighted to leave the suffocating forest.

Few minutes after as they reached that bright light, Yosuke and his group saw a new area they had to explore.


The field the crew had spotted was a wide grassland quite similar to the place before they entered the Saru Forest.

"...finally!" panted Yosuke.

At long last, Yosuke sensed the aroma of fresh air that was dwelling within that open grassland which was greatly different from the previous suffocating jungle. Breathing felt so good that it was like Yosuke had never breathe before.

Wind from the horizon gently blew their bodies which gave them a little chill. Although this time, the field was full of brown deer-like beasts, running and jumping around as if the entire place was their playground.


Those deer-type beasts were twice as large as the average human. They had different sets of horns which was quite a scene to watch. The youngest deer Yosuke noticed could have at least 20 branched horns. But the one that stood out the most was the adult deer which skin was nothing but pure white.

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