Chapter 8 - Cyber Mode

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Darkness was still all over Soul Town when Yosuke and his group encountered a giant horse-type champion beast.

The only thing that was glowing in that darkness was the giant horse's red demonic eyes. But the champion beast was still examining the whole area after it had recovered from the wounds it had received.

"This champion beast can heal on its own, huh? Let's see if it can still recover on my next attack!"

"Hold it, Conway-san! Don't attack that beast alone!"

The only one who understood their situation was Vincent Seymour. Yosuke, Laura and Frederyk had no idea that the champion beast they were dealing with belong in the S-Class category.

Of all the champion beasts that we have to encounter, why is it a beast like this appeared out of nowhere?!

The horse-type champion beast had revealed a fast-recovering ability that speed up its recovery stats to the point that its wounds could be healed in an instant. That was a rare passive ability that Vincent had only heard and read on books. In fact, he didn't even considered the ability real. That instant regenerating ability alone could put the champion beast in the S-Class level.

By taking into consideration every bit of information about their dire situation, Vincent calmly closed his eyes for a second and breathed to relax his mind. He then reverted back his focus on the giant beast in front of them.

But if we carefully establish our formation, we still have a chance to escape... Vincent thought in confidence.

There was no need to panic. Even if the group was facing a beast that was probably out of their league, it was safe to say that their formation was a reliable thing to do. Furthermore, there was no need to lay a killing blow on that champion beast. In fact, the entire squad could safely abandon their mission as their situation just went beyond the scope of a rookie-type mission.

The S-Class beast, from observing its earlier wounds, had probably the same defensive stats if compared to the spider beast the team had encountered earlier. If they could lay a damage enough for the beast to be immobilize for just a minute, the squad could flee to their horses for their escape.

But importantly, there was no room for mistakes.

"Listen, everyone! We'll do Formation B and focus on damaging its legs! If we successfully paralyze the beast, we'll immediately run to our camp and escape!"

Huh? We'll abandon the mission...? Frederyk thought in shock.

However, Vincent believed there was still a thing they could take advantage of.

The darkness itself.

The Night Vision Support Ability was still augmented to the whole party. And if it was used correctly, they could use that advantage to easily lay some damage on the giant beast.

"Masuda-kun, you know your job, right? Just be careful. Even if we're surrounded by darkness, champion beasts are known for possessing strong senses when it comes to their surroundings."

"Roger that!"

"Vincent-senpai! I can't find any information about that champion beast!' Laura started panicking on her screen menu. "Even a search matching its appearance doesn't give me any results!"

However, it didn't take long until the beast made its next move.

The champion beast immediately turned its head to Frederyk Conway. But before it made its first move, it lifted it head and roared heavily that it looked like it was using its full strength on that war cry alone.

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