Chapter 9 Part 2

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The moment Yosuke Masuda set on foot on Soul Town once again, it was the first time he saw the town in broad daylight. Although those abandoned houses were still there, it was much different from the unsettling atmosphere from the last time he fought here.

But that wasn't the only thing different from last night.

Because the moment the two left their temporary shelter, the janitor boy noticed dozens of two meter sized ants that were wondering almost everywhere in that area.


Although Yosuke and Caroline were not yet noticed, the giant ants were strangely waving their heads, searching the area thoroughly for something.

And the most terrifying things about those ants were... their strength.

Yosuke just witnessed these beasts terrifying power stats as some of the giant ants were carrying boulders that were several times as large as them.

The janitor boy just froze up on his feet.

This ants... If they were able to consume human beings... They can grow into terrifying beast that can even defeat... can even defeat... can even defeat...




...Chairman Netero!

"What are you doing, Yosuke-kun?"

"Oh! It's nothing! Hahahaha!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Caroline placed her index finger on the janitor boy's lips.


"Yosuke-kun, my permeation ability is one of the best stealth ability out there. With this casted on both of us, we can pass through any solid objects and we're concealed from any sensor-type abilities, although it's only activated for only 10 minutes per cast." Caroline silently muttered. "The only weakness of this ability are our visibility and the sounds we make. So be careful!"

Yosuke then turned his face to the pink-haired girl once more.

"But Caroline-san, aren't we suppose to hide from these ants?"

It wasn't surprising for Yosuke to ask that question as the two of them were already taking a stroll on their way to the clock tower, just behind the company of giant ants wondering around the area.

And by doing that, Yosuke Masuda felt like they were just making their situation even worse.

"It's simple. Ants are usually blind and only rely their vision through their antennas attached on their heads. So as long as we don't make any noise, we're safe against these beasts."

"Oh. I get it!"

But in that moment, Yosuke's face became red.

Hmmm... Now that I think about it, this girl's ability is really useful on onsens... Hehehehe! thought Yosuke while he silently giggled.

"Yosuke-kuuun♥, you pervert♥!"

"Eh? How did you know?!"


It didn't take five minutes until the two reached the clock tower.

And there, just inches away from the tower's wall laid down the champion beast that singlehandedly defeated Yosuke Masuda's entire party.

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