I love Wattpad but....

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Okay honestly I love this site. I mean millions of books for free? It just doesn't get any better than that. Unique stories by people like me, people that genuinely love to read and write. However..... There are some stories on here that kinda get on my nerves and let me tell you why. If you're going to write a story about a girl hiding out as a boy and ends up falling for her male roommate don't even TRY to say it's not like the movie She's The Man if you're going to literally take the entire movie and put into your own words. Just don't. Please. Okay? Because that kind of story line can get old real fast. Now I'm not saying I don't enjoy those kinds of stories but they have to have serious plot twists if I'm going to be satisfied. Which brings me to my next point, if you're going to include a sex scene in your story could you please write it with taste? I mean leave some things to imagination and not write out a porno. Oh and y'all; if you're going to write a book on werewolves or vampires at least look into the folklore of it all. An another thing, if you're not creative to come up with your own story maybe instead of stealing someone else's hard work write a review on it maybe? Make a list of why it should be read instead of being THAT person, if you know what I mean. I'm a bit finicky I know, but I just can't be tamed when it comes to some things like that. Now I'm by no means saying I am this superior writer or story teller. I'm not and I know it. I just know what I like and don't like. I do however love Wattpad and although there are those stories here that frustrate me I can not deny that someone did take the time to write whatever story it may be as well as the courage to post it on the internet. So for that even if you have a shit story, I give you my full respect for putting yourself out there.

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