Again and Again

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^I made that lol



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1. Are you feeling it now Mr Krabs?

I'm feeling a warm spot.

2. If Mars had earthquakes, would they be marsquakes?

It'd be stupid to call the earthquakes

3. Can crop circles be square?

They could probably have squares IN them..

4. How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons but lemon juice contains artificial flavourings?

Because the world's priorities are ridiculous.

5. Does the postman deliver their own mail?

All that comes to mind is "Is there a never-ending chain of mailmen delivering mail to other mailmen?"

6. When lightening strikes the ocean, why don't all the fish die?

*nerd me comes out* because lightening mostly only goes across the surface... if a fish happens to be really close to the bolt or on the surface, it'll die... but it dissipates quickly so... Either because the ocean is so damn big or salt.

7. Are you ready, kids?


8. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


9. What do you usually do when I'm gone?

Wait for you to get back... *tears up*

10. Which one of you flatfoots stole my lollipop?

I mean it.

11. Did you hear about the goldfish that went bankrupt?

Now he's a bronzefish!

12. Is mayonnaise an instrument?

No, Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument.
Horseradish is not an instrument either.

13. Will these tags ever end?

I doubt it, especially since you can tag back.... hehehehehheeehe

Ahhh my questions...

1.  If you were a hybrid, what animal would you (partially) be?

2.  Why is my cat afraid of moving ceiling fans?

3.  What is one habit you have? (don't even try to say none.  Even daydreaming is considered a habit)

  Even daydreaming is considered a habit)

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4.  Which of their reaction is your favourite?

5.  Where's your mother?

6.  Yes or No?

7.  How long can you hold your breath?  (Don't be lazy, go time yourself)

8.  What made you want to read/write fanfiction?

9.  Are you even legal tho?

10.  What's on your feet right now?

11.  Did you have to look at your feet to answer the previous question?

12.  Fire or Ice?

13.  Do you keep your nails long or short?

I tag...
SwaeggierThanSuga because I can<3

I feel bad because I don't follow very many people, so it's like... It's the same people getting tagged EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I promise I'll follow more people don't hate me, okay?? <3 <3¿

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