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Tagged by Kookie_Eve
dunno the rules.
Just know that there's quesions :')

1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
5.... lol.  But a real, legit, for real kiss? Uh.. like... 9.

2. If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to see?
Big Bang because it might be the last year all 5 of them preform on stage together.

3. What colours look the best on you?
All I know is that I don't look good in brown.

4. Name 3 facts about your family?
  • my father's side of the family are alcoholics (minor and major)
  • my parents are divorced
  • my little sister is fucking perfect (and that's not my opinion, it's a fact)

5. What's the best thing you can cook?
cheesy scrambled eggs, fried balonga (my [ex] 2nd family taught me how to make it & and told me it's the "black way"), and Ramen...
I say I can cook Ramen good, but really I'm the only one that likes my Ramen, so.

6. If you could pick a gender & appearance of your child, would you?
No because I don't like children (my sister is the only exception) and I don't want children.

7. Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?

8. What's the most thoughtful present you ever recieved?
Everything my mother has gotten for me tbh.  She's extremely thoughtful, and I'm very thankful for that.

...if you're expecting something specific, I have a ring with an infinity or whatever, right?  It's silver and has some crystals n shit or whatever idfk.  Mom and little me always had those "I love you" - "I love you more" - "I love you to the moon and back" wars.  Eventually, that would lead to "I love you to infinity," and my mom usually won (curse grown-ups).  She got me this ring (in 2016) and told me she won.

9. Are you currently in love with someone?
My dog.  My mother.  My sister.  Kwon Jiyong.  Bangtan.  *cough*

10. What is your favourite hot beverage?

Oh wait, you mean... Ohhh... Coffee. *cough*cum*cough*

11. Do you like going on airplanes?
Yeah, it's cool.
Unless I'm sick.  Then it hurts my ears and I'll cry the whole time.

12. Who was your best friend when you were 6 years old?
This topic makes my heart hurt tbh.  I had two; Todd M. and Rachel W. 

(why it hurts my heart: Rachel was like the best. She got diabetes, and sometimes, getting diabetes can cause you lose the memory of the time period in which you got it.  So we separated ways when we're 7ish.  I never forgot her bc he was my best friend, seriously.  We were reunited in school 6 years later.  I was so excited when she walked into the classroom and sat next to me.  I asked her if she remembered me, and she said no.  So, I said a lot of things that we had done together or talked about before, trying to get her to remember me.  Guess what she said ...  "How do you know all that?  Are you some kind of stalker?"  My heart broke.)

13. What was your favourite book as a child?

14. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?

15. Favourite kind of candy?
Black licorice

16. Would you rather be hot or cold?

17. Do you like it when it rains?
I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.

18. What movie you cried watching?
All of them because I cry when climaxes happen.  I even tear up during songs like dafuq.

That's a fuck ton of questions, so it's fine if you don't do this. *chooses randomly*


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