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So, for some reason, a ton of the fanfics I'm reading recently have cheating going on in them.

I just realised a lot of the fanfics I'm reading recently are JiKook and suddenly everything is making sense


If you're cheating, and you know you're cheating (sober), you usually don't think too much about your partner.

Reasons people cheat:

•There's more than one person you want, so you just date multiple people at the same time

•Your partner isn't fulfilling your needs, so you find someone else who fills in the gaps (like sex)


•The excitement of cheating.

•Because you're afraid to break up with your partner.  You don't want to crush them... so you cheat instead.

•it's due to a more deeper psychological reason

•you don't give a fuck

•probs other reasons I cant think of

How do I know this?  I had major fuckboi/manwhore friends, and I'm also a culprit.

Cheating can be a lot more complicated than one may think.  :')

Ask Bangtan.

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