Chapter 2

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Cabir decided to chill in the canteen as they had a break and offered the girls to join them too. Manik got a little irritated as Cabir was bringing them along everywhere ever since the morning but didn't protest as somewhere inside he wanted to grab Nandani's attention. Nandani sat next to Navya while Manik and Cabir sat opposite them.
As they settled down, Nandani whispered into Navya's ears "Don't you think Cabir likes you?"

"What!! Are you mad, he is just being nice to us as we all  are from the same place," said Navya in denial.

"I am serious dude....the way he looks at you.."

Before Nandani could complete her sentence, Cabir interrupted "Any problem Nandani?"

"No nothing......., anyways are you guys in the boys hostel or staying outside the campus?" Said Nandani trying to avoid answering the previous question.

"Apartment, we stay in a rented apartment nearby," claimed Manik after keeping silent all this while.

Nandani looked at Manik as he answered her question. This was probably the first time they were having a conversation despite being in the same school, same class for 6 years. She was about to say something when an Indian girl came by Manik. It always feels great when you spot another Indian in a foreign country. Nandani looked excited and approached her "Hi."

"Hey my name is Aaliya. Can I chill with you guys as its my first day here and you guys seem fun," said Aaliya pleading with her eyes to hear a yes from us.

"Yes of course, pretty ladies are always welcomed to our group," said Manik pulling a chair next to him and offering her to sit next to him.

"Thanks, it's going to be interesting with youuuu guys I guess," said Aaliya emphasising the word "you," only looking at Manik and smiling .

Nandani felt annoyed by Manik's behaviour and reconfirmed with herself that her decision to ignore Manik was better then trying to speak to him. They all ordered cappuccinos and spoke about how they all ended up in this university and what they wanted to do after they graduated. All this while Manik was satisfied that he managed to get Aaliya's attention so easily but then he looked at Nandani and his ego was hurt. He wondered why he wanted Nandani's attention, maybe because he felt defeated that a girl would ever do something like this to him.

Manik now tried to provoke Nandani to speak to him,"Navya you seem so fun and interesting then why did you make such a terrible mistake since the past 6 years?"

Navya gave a confusing look to Manik trying to figure out what mistake he was talking about. "What mistake," said Navya giving up on her thinking process.

"Areee the mistake of choosing the right friends," Manik said looking at Nandani.

Now Nandani's anger was on cloud nine as she could not take him any longer. She decided not to create a scene and walk out of the place politely, "Navya I have to go to the administration's office so I will see you at our apartment directly." She stood up and gave an angry glare at Manik. "Ok bye Navya, bye Cabir and it was nice meeting you Aaliya, bye." She left without waiting for anyone's reply and again ignoring Manik.
Manik thought that she would argue back but to his surprise she just left that also by ignoring him now making it obvious to the others.

"Now what was that Manik?" Said Cabir as he just couldn't understand the need of what just happened.

"Ya Manik that was quite rude of you to say," said Aaliya in her disbelief.

"Manik how could you say that. You don't even know her at all. I can't believe you just said that to her," angrily said Navya and left the place immediately.

As Navya left, Aaliya to got up and left. Manik was still sitting in a shock as his plan back fired him and now all his friends were angry on him. Cabir placed his hand on his shoulder and brought back Manik out of his thoughts. "Dude I think you crossed the limits this time. And now because of you Navya will also ignore me. How could you do this bro. I finally saw a ray of hope for me an her and you ruined it."

"What!! You like her?" Said Manik after getting another shock.

"Obviously, since school. And couldn't you see how I was trying to spend the entire morning with her."


As Nandani was making her way to the office, she bumped into Dhruv. "Shit, I am so sorry. I wasn't looking and then.....are you ok?" Asked innocently as she knew it was her mistake.

Dhruv smiled at how she panicked,"Ya, don't worry I am good. By the way my name is Dhruv," he said forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"Nandani, Nandani Murty."

"Nice name, but why are you in a rush, any emergency?"

Nandani giggled as she herself didn't know the reason for her actions. "No nothing like that, just had few things in my head."

"Well then don't worry. Don't give any importance to things that make you so stressed because most of the times these things will not hold any value in your life." He said this and left, making Nandani think about what Manik did.

She thought to herself, "He is right, why should I give him any importance and anyways few years from now, I won't even remember that......Monster Manik."

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