Chapter 4

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As the lesson ended, all four headed towards the library. There was awkwardness between all of them. Cabir and Navya because of the topic they got. Love!! Cabir was specially nervous as he had feelings for Navya and didn't know how she felt. While Navya was trying to think about it as she never really thought about love and loving someone till date. Manik was nervous as he knew how things were between them and Cabir's feelings and the very recent jealousy feelings he was getting in the morning. So he decided to keep all to himself and remain silent. Nandani was still in a shock that Manik was keeping silent all this while. She couldn't believe that the only time he spoke was in the class while announcing the topics. The couples separated and sat in two different corners.

Nandani waited for Manik to speak. After a while she couldn't take the silence and began, "Why are you behaving like this since the morning? Are you ok? You seem so.......weird."

Manik just gave her an angry glare, "listen, let's just focus on this stupid project and get over with it. So let's look for a good explanation for pain together and then we can think about the presentation later and the story....,we can do it individually." Manik was really organised and focused when it came to his studies. He would not compromise on his studies for anything. The reasons were best known to him. And maybe that was the reason for his good results all these years.

"Sounds good to me....... So what is pain?.....hmmm,it's an unpleasant sensation one goes through, either physically or mentally.  I really don't know how to describe it. Never really felt pain in my life."

"Pain is when your closed ones don't even care if you are dead or alive. Pain is when despite being in a crowd you still feel alone. Pain is when you have everything but it feels like nothing. Physical pain can heal but when it hurts the heart, it makes sure that it will stay in your life forever. Pain is a never ending feeling that only contributes to loneliness in life......forever." Manik felt each and every word that he said. He seemed to have entered a world of his own.

Nandani saw the pain in his eyes. She was now concerned for him. She wanted to share his pain so that she could erase the lines on his forehead. It was her first time seeing Manik like this. Even though she hated the Manik she knew yesterday, she wished from the bottom of her heart for his return. He had being behaving like this since the morning. She finally stepped out of her though process and placed her hands on his which were on the table. "Don't  worry, one thing I know about pain is that it lessens with time and heals with the right company. One day both will occur in your life."

His face lit up and looked in Nandani's eyes searching for that one hope that he could hold onto in her words. His stress line now faded from his forehead. But then he recalled his words and was shocked to what he had revealed. He was not able to even open up to Cabir then why did he do so to her? Embarrassment took over him and he thought of something, " yaa. You really think I would say such deep things. It was just to gain your attention towards me. And I can't believe you fell for it. Shit, you are so Dumb."

Nandani took her hand which were still on his hands and looked away. She could not believe he was joking all this while. Suddenly Manik walked away leaving Nandani in her thoughts. "Was he really joking. But it felt so real. I could see it in his eyes that each and every word he said affected him. And then the way he looked at me.........."

Just then she got interrupted by Navya, "Nandani lets go to the apartment. Please I am so tired and we also have to cook, so let's go."

"Don't worry about food, I will cook for us today and let's go. I need to start my story so I can finish all this boring stuff and just chill."

Navya and Nandani were walking towards their apartment when Cabir called out from the back. He came running towards them and being breathless he finally spoke, "hey guys....why don't you come over to my apartment for dinner today?"

"No Cabir, not today please. Maybe some other time." Nandani said as she wanted to recall her moment with Manik and try to understand him.

"Oh please come's my birthday tomorrow so I thought of celebrating it with my friends. Please come." Pleaded Cabir with a puppy dog face.

"Obviously we are coming Cabir. Don't worry about Nandani, I will handle her. Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday tomorrow? Shit I am so excited....." Said Navya jumping all around.

"Why are you excited for my birthday?" Cabir asked with the hope that she too feels the same.

"Because......because......because." Navya stammered looking down at her hands which were fiddling in nervousness.

"Because we get free cake. And she loves cakes, specially chocolate cake." Nandani tried to cover up for Navya as she herself was not aware of the answer.

"Ok then....she you guys at 8:00pm. Bye." Cabir said as he signed out.

"So Navya why are you excited for his birthday?" Teasingly asked Nandani.

"I don't know....I just don't know. Maybe cause he is a friend." Navya said thinking hard trying to figure out what made her say that. "Anyways lets go, we have to get ready and also look for a gift for Cabir. What should we gift him?" Navya was now tensed.

"Don't worry Navya. There is a mall nearby, let's buy the gift first and then we get to the apartment and then change and go to Manik's apartment."

"Manik's apartment hmmmm......" Navya asked wondering why she referred to him when she hated him.

"Areeeee Navya, they stay together so it belongs to both of them then....and stop overthinking. I still don't like him." Nandani said while pouting and looking away.

"At least you don't hate him now." Navya said raising one of her eyebrow.

"Whatever, let's go..." Nandani said finally giving up.

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