Chapter 14

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It was Sunday when Nandani suddenly realised that she had to go with Dhruv. She quickly got ready when Dhruv called her, "hi Nandani, how are you?"
"I am good Dhruv and how are you?"
"I really need your help, so see you at the Fiesta Mall at 3:00 after lunch?"
"Cool, I will be there."
Nandani then thought of calling Cabir to inform him that she might get a little late. But the calls weren't going through when she decided to call Manik. "Hello Manik?"
"Obviously it's Manik. What do you want so early in the morning?"
"It's already 8."
"Ya I know and it's also a Sunday. Who wakes up so early on a Sunday?"
"I do and l don't want to fight with you so listen to me. I might be a little late today as I have to go with Dhruv. I tried calling Cabir but it's not going through."
Manik quickly sat on his bed being tensed about them going together. He was feeling scared, that something may start between them and Manik would no longer be a part of her life.
Nandani waited for his response and then asked, "Manik!! You there?"
"Ya....ya.... What time will you make it then?....just in case Cabir asked."
"I will surly be there before 8."
"What!! I mean that's going to be quite late!"
"Ya don't worry. I will manage."
After thinking for ages he asked, "do you have to go?"
Nandani was taken aback with his question. "Well it sounds important so I will have to. But why do you not want me to go?"
"I don't know. I just don't want you to go!"
Nandani did not know how to answer this. She thought for a while but was stuck in between two people. "I will try and be quick" were the only words she could think of.
"Hmmmm..." Said a disappointed Manik and hung up on her.
Both were thinking about how things are shaping up between them. They remember their school days where they barely knew each other and now. Now things were changing. But how? And changing to what?

The day passed by and Nandani reached their apartment at 8:15. Manik was annoyed. Only he knew how he spent the entire day thinking about what was happening between them just then he saw Nandani enter.
"Hi Cabir." She said while smiling from ear-to-ear. She looked so happy.
Manik's was scared as he had never seen her so happy, never and today she was smiling at the slightest things. Was is because of Dhruv? His thoughts were killing him. He was not only getting jealous but was also hurt as he could never get Nandani in this mood.
"Hi Manik."
He stopped for a while and went to his room without answering as he knew that it will end up as a fight if he started speaking.
Nandani was confused at his behaved but she decided to ignore him and move towards the kitchen. Since it was very late, she decided to make dal and rice.
As she was done after a while she called out to Manik and Dhruv to come have food. "Manik, Cabir the food is ready. I have kept it on the table. Please eat it before it gets cold."
Cabir came running and sat on the chair to eat. He was super hungry as it was almost nine. I laughed at his hunger when I realised Manik still hasn't come out.
"Where is Manik Cabir?"
"Must be in his room, please can you go call him. I am too hungry." Said Cabir and started eating.
Nandani entered their room to find Manik lost in his thoughts. "Food is ready, have something first and then get lost in your thoughts."
"I am not hungry." Said Manik without looking at her.
He sounded low, so Nandani decided to investigate. "Everything ok Manik?"
"Why do you care. Go and enjoy your date with Dhruv. Why did you even come so early? You could have spent the entire night with him too." Manik was angry and looked at the window showing Nandani his back.
Nandani didn't understand at first what he was trying to say, "what do you mean Manik?"
"Nothing, just leave me alone"
Nandani recalled his words again and felt disgusted at what he thought. "What date? And what do you mean to say by asking me to spend the entire night with him?"
"When a girl and a boy go out alone, it's called a date. And you seemed so happy so I thought you can carry on your lovey dovey conversation till late night."
"We didn't go on a date!"
"Ya's like what you call that 'we are just friends' thing right." Manik now looked into Nandani's eyes.
"You are impossible Manik." Nandani said and left from their apartment.


Nandani thought of putting an end to the fight so she waited for Manik to come to the class. But to her surprise he did not show up today. "Wow great. First he says shit to me and now he is all angry when I should have been the one getting angry. And now he doesn't even show up for lessons. Let me call him." Nandani thought as she sat alone in the library. She called him but he decided not to pick her calls. She thought he might have been busy but he still didn't pick any of her calls. She tried for 3 more times and now her phone even gave up. Cabir was passing by the library when Nandani rushed to him and asked, "hey Cabir please can I borrow your phone. I just want to make a call."
"Ya sure, here you go."
Nandani dialled his number and Manik picked it up on the first ring itself. "Yeah Cabir, what's up?"
Nandani was hurt to realise that he was avoiding her calls and didn't say anything.
"Cabir I am getting bored at home so I am going to the restaurant. Cabir....Cabir.... say something bro." After a while he disconnected the call. Nandani quickly deleted his call entries from his phone and dialled Navya's number and quickly cut it before it got connected.
"Thanks Cabir. Ok see you later."

Nandani decided to visit the place where he worked.


At the restaurant

"Can I have a beer?" Said Nandani.
Manik was shocked to see Nandani there specially at this time. "Are you going to drink in the morning?"
"I guess that's the only way I can talk to you. Because if I call you don't pick my calls, if I wait at the university you don't show up. But maybe since I am your customer you won't have a choice to avoid me."
"It's nothing like that. I just needed money so came by to work extra."
"Ya right, that's why when I was calling you like an idiot you don't pick my call. But when I call you from Cabir's phone you pick it up."
Manik realised he was caught so he decided to let it out. "Ya since you know I was ignoring then leave me now."
"But what have I done? And shouldn't I be angry because you spoke very rudely to me yesterday."
"I am not sorry for that. And please let me work. Go to Dhruv I am sure you will enjoy more with him."
" that's the matter. Are you jealous?"
Manik was shocked as she was able to read him. "What!!! How ridiculous."
Nandani smiled as she thought of a plan to make him confess that he was jealous.

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