Chapter 11

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Nandani took a cab and reached her place where Navya was waiting for her. Navya was excited as she wanted to tell her about her date with Cabir. She wanted to make some decisions today and wanted an opinion from Nandani so she eagerly waited for her. Nandani entered the apartment and looked lost so Navya thought of asking her, "Nandu all ok na?"
"Ya Navya, all ok. I am just so tired. I think I will take a shower and sleep."
"And dinner?"
"I already had at Cabir's place." Nandani lied as she knew that Navya will force her to eat. When she was not even in the state to stand on her feet.
Nandani walked into the shower and finally broke down and cried her heart out. She had never seen such a thing happening in real life. She cursed herself for picking the call. "I wish I could take away the pain I saw in your eyes. It hurts to see you like that Manik. How can you hide so much within yourself. I hate myself for answering the call. I am so sorry Manik. I promise I will always be there when you need me." She thought as she cried under the shower so that nobody could hear her.


Manik waited outside the class for Nandani while Cabir and Navya had already settled in the class. Nandani was walking towards the class when she saw Manik. She quickly put on a brave face and walked towards him.
"Thanks Nandani for yesterday." Manik said.
"Thanks for what Manik?" Nandani said this and tried to enter the class when Manik held her gently by her shoulders. He made her face him and he quickly inspected her shoulders which had his finger marks on it yesterday.
"They are gone, don't worry." Nandani said as she sensed his worry.
They both walked in together when they saw Navya and Cabir sitting together. "Guys please can we sit together. We actually have to discuss something about the project. Just for few days. Please please Manik." Cabir said as he wanted to sit with Navya.
"Ya it's ok. I will sit on Navya's spot."
"Wow Manik!! What happened to you? No arguments? No complaints?"
Manik sat without reacting to cabir's words.
Cabir felt weird as Manik did not react to his actions.
"What wrong with Manik? Why does he look so low?" Cabir said softly so that only Navya could hear him.
"I don't know Cabir. Even Nandani seemed so low yesterday and even today, she came to school so early that also without having her breakfast." Navya replied.
After a long pause Navya asked, "so what did Nandani cook last night for you guys?"
"She never cooked yesterday as she reached late at my house. I ordered pizza from outside and ate it all alone."
"What!!! She reached late? But she messaged me at 6:30 that she reached your house and did she have dinner with you?"
"Dinner!! No she didn't. She said she wasn't hungry and left. And even Manik didn't have anything. Did something happen between them?"
"I knew she was lying yesterday. God knows what happened between them. Maybe we need to talk to them about this. They can't just spend their lifetime fighting like this." Navya said.


After the class finished, they all gathered in the cafeteria. By the time Manik and Nandani arrived, Cabir and Navya told Dhruv and Aaliya about them planning to talk to them to put an end to their fights. All agreed and waited for Manik and Nandani. They came and settled when all of a sudden everyone went quite.
"Nandani please have something to eat. You haven't had a thing after yesterday's lunch." Navya said worrying about her health.
Manik was shocked and annoyed as Nandani did not take care of herself. He screamed at the top of his voice and called for a waiter. "One grilled cheese sandwich for her. And make it quick."
"Make it two.."Nandani said as she knew Manik must have not had anything.
"Who else wants?" A confused Manik asked.
"For you."
"What!! Listen I am not eating it."
"Fine then waiter please cancel the order."
"You can't force me to eat ok!"
"Exactly, even you can't force me to eat."
"I can because you haven't had anything since yesterday."
"As if you did."
"Listen you......."
Before this again turned into one of their fights, Cabir interrupted. "Waiter get two grilled sandwiches and 6 coffees." The waiter left as he got his command from Cabir. "Guys this is what we want to talk about. How can you two turn any conversation into a fight? You can't always fight like this. We all are friends and you can't hate each other like this." Cabir ended his speech.
"We don't hate each other," Manik and Nandani both said this together, surprising everyone on the table.
"Accha, so you like each other then?" Dhruv asked sarcastically.
"No!!" Again both said it together.
"So you guys are strangers?" Aaliya asked.
"Of course not." Again both of them said it together.
"Guys please stop speaking together. So are you guys friends now?" Cabir asked.
Manik and Nandani both looked at each other. "Yes Cabir, we are friends." Nandani claimed still looking into Manik's eyes.
" no more fights between you two." Cabir asked.
"Oh hello....I don't fight, it's always him who starts the fights." Nandani said.
"What!! I start the fight. It's always you that instigates me to get angry." Manik replied.
"So now you are blaming me for your anger also?" Nandani said.
"Guys please stop it. Remember you two are friends now. And friends don't fight." Navya said to calm things down.
Everyone left the place leaving Nandani and Manik alone on the table. Nandani left her place and sat next to Manik.
"Listen, I have two tickets for a movie tonight. Do you want to come?" Nandani asked not giving him attention.
"Oh why? Is Dhruv not free today that you asked me?" Manik taunted her.
"Why don't you just say that you only hang out with Aaliya and not 'others'."
"When have you seen me hang out with Aaliya?"
"Then when have you seen me asking Dhruv such?"
"Ok fine. What time?"
"Fine I will pick you up."
"Ok......but don't tell anyone. You know what they will think."
"Ya specially Cabir. Don't worry, I will manage."


Nandani and Manik both lied and went to watch the movie. Alone.
They settled down in their seats, when Kung Fu Panda 3 started. "What they hell!! We are watching an animated movie?"
"Look, the only English movies I watch are the animated ones so don't freak out and watch the movie."
Nandani and Manik's seats where next to a couple in the corner. After like the first 20 mins, the couple next to her started kissing each other deeply. The guy's elbow kept on touching her again and again unintentionally as they were busy in their own doings. Nandani felt a little uncomfortable and she looked at Manik,who was enjoying the movie. She didn't want to ruin it for Manik so she moved closer to Manik's seat. She all most leaned her shoulder onto Manik's shoulder. Manik looked at her but she nodded and looked towards the screen. She was just looking at the movie but was not able to concentrate as her focus was on the two. People sitting next to each other.

The movie then ended and both walked out of the theatre.

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