Chapter 13

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Nandani rang the doorbell to which Manik opened the door. "Hi Manik." Nandani wished with a bright smile.
"You are late." Manik said with a straight face.
"It's 6:45 and why do you always look for ways to fight with me?"
"You are 15 mins late. Yesterday you came at 6:30 so I was a little worr......never mind. And yes because you only talk to me when we fight. Otherwise you don't even look at me."
"Oh really?" Nandani pushed him aside and entered the house. "By the way, where is Cabir?" Nandani asked as she looked around.
"He is out, has some important work."
"Oh......and ya it's not like that. It's just that you are so moody, that I am scared to ask you anything. Your reactions are always opposite of what I think." 
Nandani placed her bag on the couch and headed towards the kitchen. While Manik to followed her.
"What, it's not like that. You can ask me anything you want to. I will react just the way you think. Try me!"
Manik sat on the kitchen platform surprising Nandani.
"Well I did want to ask you something but never mind, you will get angry." Nandani said while taking out stuff from the fridge.
"Trust me I won't get angry and even if I do, I know you will calm me down."
Nandani looked into Manik's eyes and she could see honesty in them. She saw the faith he had in her as she recalled his worlds, 'I know you will calm me down'.
"Your mother said you don't accept the cheques she sends, then how are you managing here. I mean you do need money to survive?" Nandani asked not knowing how Manik would take it.
Manik giggled at her questions and then replied, "you think I live on Cabir's money?" His expression changed as started speaking.
Nandani freaked out as she never meant that, "no Manik I didn't mean that, please don't take me wrong."
Manik couldn't control his laughter and let it go. He laughed a bit while Nandani was still freaking out as she couldn't make out the situation.
"Look at your face......hehehhe.......relax I am just joking." Manik said making a cute puppy dog face.
Nandani went closer to him and hit him on his chest. "Do you know how scared I was!!"
"I know, I could see it. Anyways, I actually do a part time job at an Indian restaurant nearby. I am the bartender."
"Wow, cool job."
"Ya, it's interesting you see different sort of people."
"Ok now don't talk to me, I have to start cooking."
"What are you making?"
"Mutter paneer."
"Wow, my second favourite. So how can I help you?"
"I don't need your help otherwise Cabir will make me do all of this again. But it's so strange, that day when I came to your house Navya wasn't at home. And even you were alone. And even today Navya and Cabir are both missing? Do you think something is up?" Nandani asked trying to solve the loop holes.
Manik then though about what she said, "no no, if there was something then Cabir would have told me."
"Ya even Navya would have told me."
Nandani and Manik both thought for a while, when they both faced each other and spoke together, "they are dating?"
"I am so going to kill him." Manik said as he got off the platform.
"Let's catch them together." Nandani said in excitement.
"Hmmmm...but how?"
They both though for a while when Manik came up with a plan. "Listen let's do this, I will call Cabir and fake that something has happened to you. And I am sure they will panic. So if they are together than both will come here and if not then only Cabir will come."
"Since when have you become so smart?" Nandani teased.
"Since I was born." Manik replied making faces.
"Ok so I am calling him." He waited till he received his call and immediately starting acting as he received. "Cabir, Cabir Cabir......I don't know what happened to Nandani, we were fighting and then I.....Cabir please come home quickly. She is not responding. I am really scared. Are you even listening god dam it??" Manik screamed.
"What have you done, shit. I am on my way." Cabir panicked.
He hung up the call and both bursted into laughter. "Wow Manik I never knew you could act so well. I am impressed."
"There is nothing that Manik Malhotra can not do."
Nandani started cooking and was all most done so they waited for Cabir's arrival. After about 45 mins the doorbell rang. Nandani lied on the floor acting to faint. And Manik reached the door. As soon as Nandani got ready she signalled him and he opened the door.
Manik pulled the door open and was happy to see Navya and Cabir together. But he controlled himself and began their act. "Cabir where the hell were you?"
"Manik what happened to Nandani?" Navya asked as she was scared for real.
"I don't know she fainted inside." Before Manik finished Navya rushed inside and was in tears to see Nandani lying on the floor lifeless.
"Nandu, plz wake up. Nandu.....nandu..!" She said as she softly started hitting her cheek.
Cabir held Navya by her shoulders and tried to console her. "Navya relax. She will be fine. Please don't cry."
"Cabir why did you bring Navya here. I only called you." Manik said pretending to be very angry.
"She was with me and I knew you must have messed it up like this so I rushed here and there was no time to drop her." Cabir got up and faced Manik,"couldn't you control your anger, you know how she is!!" Cabir continued as he was pissed at him.
Manik looked away and Cabir went to check on Navya when he saw Nandani smiling while pretending to be unconscious. Cabir then though something was fishing and looked at Manik who was showing him his back.
Cabir then winked at Navya and started with his own act, "Navya I think Nandani needs CPR, let me give it to her so she wakes up."
Manik was shocked as he did not expect the situation to take this turn. Nandani was scared as she didn't know what to do but kept her calm.
"Cabir what are you waiting for, do the CPR now." Navya said.
"There is no need. Look Nandani is waking up." Manik said.
Nandani understood what she had to do and slowly opened her eyes."who am I? Where am I? Is this heaven?" Nandani said.
"Acha....heaven and all. You just wait," Navya said and went looking for something in the kitchen and returned with a rolling pin in her hand.
Nandani saw it and started running around the house chased by Navya. After a while they both got tired and stopped.
"So what was this fake drama all about?" Cabir asked.
"Well, you guys never told us about the secret dates and all and you want as to answer you." Nandani responded.
"What....what are you saying Nandani?" Navya blushed as she spoke.
"Yeah Cabir, I thought we were bros." Manik said teasingly.
"Well we tried to tell you guys but you both were so moody back then that we decided to wait for the right moment. And it was good that we didn't tell you two. Otherwise you two would have never teamed up together." Cabir said and looked at Manik.
Manik and Nandani both looked at each other and realised that for once they didn't fight and got together for something. They both realised what fun it was to be together, as 'friends' they thought.
All four of them had dinner together as it got quite late due to the drama and then the girls left to their apartment.

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