Chapter 20

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Nandani's POV
I quickly ran into the office, when everyone passed glares at me. I guess because then had never seen me in such a vulnerable state. But as I promised myself, I smiled and ignored everything.

"Nandi, quickly go into the cabin. Sir is waiting for you." Harshad claimed as he saw me enter. I smiled back and headed towards his cabin. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in," he called me in.

"Sorry sir for what happened earlier on.... I will make sure it doesn't happen again." Manik looked at me in disbelief. Anyone would not believe that just few minutes back I was depressed and walked out of here and now I am back here, all smiling as if nothing had happened.

"You better not repeat it! Now go get all the files of the clients that this company had attended in this 2 months. And I also want you to make a list of all the important clients. State their phone numbers, email ID's and most important, the amount they have offered. But before that get me a strong black coffee without sugar or milk."

I noted everything down on my notepad but was shocked to know that Manik's taste had changed. I remember how he used to scold me for having bitter coffee and would force me to drink with milk and sugar. Memories of us flashed through my eyes as I filled the coffee mug.

"Here, your strong black coffee, with no milk and no sugar." I said as I handed the mug to him. But he ignored me and continued with his work as he sipped his coffee.

I headed outside him cabin to get going with the work he had given me when he called out to me. "Mrs Nandani Khurrana, get all the files now in my cabin." I froze at my spot as he called out with a name he though was mine. Everything started flashing in front of me but I closed my eyes to gather the courage and face him.

"Sir, It Nandi Deshmukh. Ms Nandi Deshmukh. And give me ten minutes, everything will be on your desk." I walked out without any response and saw Cabir. My heart jumped in joy. I was seeing him after such a lot time. Memories of our days in USA crossed through my mind and a little smile appeared on my lips. He was the same, rather more handsome. There was a glow on his face. But as i looked into his eyes, I could only she hatred for me. Of course he would hate me. The last memory of us was more then enough. The way he was trying to stop me from hurting Manik and the way I had behaved. I knew what Manik meant to him. My smiled disappeared and I pretended as if I didn't know him and started walking to my work space.

First Manik and now Cabir, my past in making it's way into my present. But I will make sure they won't be there in my future. I took the pills again and started gathering the files.

Manik's POV
She entered my cabin with a huge smile on her face and she interacted with me as if nothing had happened between us. I assisted her the work and asked for coffee. She stood there for a while as if thinking about something and then got my coffee. But there was too much suspense. I wanted to ask her why she had changed her name, what was she doing here and this behaviour of her's seemed different too. For a moment she seemed sad and stressed but the other she is all happy and smiling. But how could I have possibly asked her?

"Mrs Nandani Khurrana, get all the files now in my cabin." Was all I could think of to say before she left the cabin. She took her time but then denied her name and walked out. As she left I threw the file in frustration when Cabir entered as if he had seen a ghost.

"Manik, What was she doing here?" Cabir asked leaning over the desk.

"Relax Cabir, She is my temporary assistant." I explained.

"What! Have you gone mad. You cannot let her work here. You need to fire her."

"Cabir I won't do that. I want her to work for me so that I can make her go through the same pain I went through."

Cabir was satisfied with my answer but he was worried for me. "But Manik, are you okay?"

"Cabir, If a car which is not your meets with an accident, then you don't pay for it's repairs. Just like that, she is not mine that her presences will affect me." I said with the utter most anger in me. "But Cabir, we need to find out why she had changed her name. And what is she doing here in Mumbai, working in our firm when her husband has a huge business?"

"Don't worry Manik, i will get my contact and let you know about her."

After Cabir left I finished my work but Nandani's thoughts would not leave my head. Why was I letting her control my mind. I won't but till I find out about her I won't be able to focus on anything. Just then Cabir run into my office. "Manik, in a recent interview Aryaman stated that he was single. He did love someone but she backed out on the last moment."
"What!" Was all I could say. I thought of directly confronting her now as I wanted to know what she was up to. I called Harshad and asked him to send 'Nandi' in my cabin. "Cabir, you go. I will interrogate her myself and let you know." Cabir nodded and left. Just in few seconds Nandani stepped into my cabin.
"Yes sir, you called?" Nandani asked.
"Miss Murty, would you like to give me your background check? As we do it for all the employees here." I cleverly phrased my sentence.
An evil smirk appeared on her face, "you seemed to be interested in knowing about my personal life."
I faked a giggled and pretended this to be a rather professional question and not a personal one. "Yes I am. I will be sharing some confidential information with you about this company. So I need to make sure that I am aware of everything about you."
She took a while and turned around showing me her back to start telling me her truth. "Manik Malhotra, you know how I am. So why should I hide anything from you. After I went to india I met many boys but I always found something missing about them. I stuck around few days and dumped them all. But then I met Aryaman. He was rich, handsome and an innocent person. Perfect for me. But he wasn't so good in bed. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted and then on the wedding day I rejected him. That felt so good. My uncle and Aunty found out about my doings so they threw me out of the house. Since then I travel around the country, with new names. Meet guys, use them for my physical needs and leave the city. I love this adventure, when I see broken people, I feel so satisfied. But don't worry, I don't repeat the same thing to my old targets. So you are safe."
Before she turned around to show me her face I shouted, "Get out of my Cabin right now!" Without wasting anymore time she walked out leaving me in disgust as once upon a time I had loved her more than anything.

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