Chapter 17

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Nandani's POV
He pushed me away and looked at me in a surprise. But a little smirk played on his lips. "Miss Murty, oh wait Mrs Khurrana congratulations on your wedding." Manik said as he forwarded his hand to congratulate me. I was taken aback when I suddenly remembered the act I had pulled out on him in USA few months ago. Without taking much off time I gathered myself and started pretending to be strong.

"Manik Malhotra, what a pleasant surprise. I thought you will still be stuck in the past but I guess you have managed." I said as I folded my hands and force a smile.
He giggled and began, "You are still funny Mrs Khurrana, anyways meet her.." and he held the girl's hand next to him, "would-be-Mrs Malhotra, Mukti Vardhan"

I clutched my ghagra tighter to stop the tears forming in my eyes to not roll down. My heart almost stopped beating as he said that. He had moved on, I know after what I did to him this was certainly expected but my heart wished for something else. Something that could on longer happen as I myself had ruined everything.
"Wow.......Congrates." It was all I could say. Just then Aryaman walked and stood next to me. I held his hand for support as I felt the ground beneath me was taken away. "Manik Malhotra meet him Aryaman Khurrana and Aryaman meet him, my friend for USA." I introduced them.
"We know each other Nandu, he is my biggest client. Hello Mr Malhotra, didn't you bring Mrs Nyonika?"

They knew each other? What?

"She was busy so I came and meet her, she is my business partner, Mukti Vardhan." Manik spoke.
"Hello." Mukti greeted.
"Mr Manik malhotra, do have dinner before you leave." I forced a smile and said, trying to leave the place."
"Mrs Khurrana, actually we have to go for a date.....I mean a meeting so we will leave now. Here, my mother had sent this for you." Manik said as he handed me a gift. "Nice meeting your Mr Khurrana, hope you have a happy married life." He shook hands with aryaman and smiled at me, and left. He just left.

I kept on looking at the door, hoping that all of this was a joke. Mukti? Did he really move on? Did he forget me so easily?

"Nandu lets go, you ran in between the rituals. The auspicious time is passing by. Nandani.." Aryaman shook me as I could not take in what had just happened.
"I can't.....I sorry Aryaman, but I can't marry you. Please forgive me." As I said this still looking at the door, waiting for Manik to return while everyone gathered around me.
"Nandu, what do you mean you can't get married. You, yourself agreed to the wedding then what happened now?" Chacha spoke being horrified at my statement.
"Kanna, what happened you can't back off at the last minute." Amms tried to convince me but all I wanted was to see Manik.
"If you wanted to insult us then you could have done it directly. Why this drama? Let's go Aryaman." His dad said in anger dragging Aryaman along with his family out of the hall.

The whole hall suddenly emptied but my eyes were still stuck onto the door, hoping for a miracle to happen.

"Kanna, I didn't expect this from you. After the death of your parents, your Chacha and Chachi took care of you as their own. And this is what they get in return. I am ashamed of you Nandu." Amms said helplessly.

I still stood there looking at the door, when suddenly Amms collapsed on the floor. We quickly rushed to the hospital and got her admitted. This day was already hunting me and now the night seemed to never end. All three of us present outside the hospital just prayed and wished for Amms to recover.
After around 9 hours of waiting the doctor approached Chacha, "Sorry, we tried our best but we couldn't save her."
Chacha and Chachi were shocked to core but they requested to see Amms, I still couldn't believe what was happening and I followed they to see Amms, when Chacha stopped me by the door.
"Don't you dare come close to her. You are responsible for what happened to her and I will never forgive you for this. Just get lost from here."

I stood there in disbelief as my entire world was falling apart in just one day. Everything that belonged to me was all snatched in just few moments of my life. As Chacha closed the door on my face I head out of the hospital. I didn't know where I was going. Subconsciously walking on the roads in traffic.

End of nandani's POV

She walked and walked ignoring anything. Just when she reached the railway station, she sat on the bench to get it all into her head. She remembered what happened in USA.

Nandani went to India to visit her family during the summer break, when she found out about something. Her parents had taken a huge loan and borrowed money for their business. But after their sudden death, her Chacha had taken over the company. He spent years to pay of the loans and was also succeeding. But just few months ago, their entire factory burnt down causing them a lot of loss. They were now in financial crises when Aryaman's father helped them out. But he had placed a condition that he will only help if Nandani would marry his son. Nandani was in dilemma as she can't leave her family in this big trouble but also cannot belong to someone else other then Manik, even thought Aryaman was a close family friend. After fighting it out with her heart and mind, she chose to go with her mind and marry Aryaman.

Nandani returned to US to complete her graduation. She started to ignore Manik and also behave rudely with Manik but he did not leave her. One day she thought about ending this once and for all so she plotted a plan. She took some of his photo's secretly and sent to to her friend to photoshop it with another girl. She knew that Manik will never believe it if she acted out to be with another guy. And he would also not let go if she told him the entire truth. So she decided to hurt him, so he starts to hate her and leaves her.

Day they broke up (Nandani's POV)
I stood outside Manik's apartment and gathered all the courage to act out my plan. I started by ringing the doorbell vigorously. When Cabir opened the door.

"Where is the son of a b***h." I stormed into his house leaving Cabir in surprise. Manik stood up as he heard me swear for the first time. But before he spoke I began. " So you turned out to be exactly like your mother. She also slept around with others and so do you. What do you think that I will never find out about you? I always knew that this is how you will be, but I thought of giving it a try. You were super rich and popular in school, so I could have passed my time easily with you. And I thought of breaking up with you on the graduation day but you couldn't even wait till then." I threw the photoshopped pictures on his face which definitely increased his anger. "You know how hard I tried to stay away from other boys, yeah might have gotten a little close to them but I didn't sleep around with them. But I should have guessed it, that you will be like your blood. Dirty and filthy." Manik barely responded to me and just looked at me.

Cabir picked one of the pictures and spoke, "Nandani, this is not true. And these pictures are clearly photoshopped. Don't you know that Manik has only loved you in his entire life. You have spent almost 3 years with him and you still think about him like this."

"Oh please Cabir. Stop siding with your friend and what did you say, photoshop? Wonderful excuse. You don't even know about this. His so called mother was also sleeping around with other guys so his son has to follow her step...." Before I could speak any further Manik slapped me. Honestly if this made him feel any better then I didn't mind him slapping me again and again.

"I trusted you Nandani, I loved you, but is this what you think about me? I thought you loved me, Understood me. But I was wrong, you turned out to be just like the others. You believe in this pictures more than me?" Manik was more hurt then angry. I was pushing him back to where I had found him. In the darkness. The intensity in his eyes was driving me crazy. Just the next moment I would have cried out load and he would have figured out everything, so I gathered myself and spoke to him for the last time. "It's OVER Manik Malhotra. Forget that we ever were together."

Without waiting for his respond I stepped out as my eyes were already welling up with tears. As soon as I sat in the taxi I broke down. My life seemed to have ended. My soul was left behind and heart seemed to have turned into a lifeless rock. I knew that if I stayed longer, he would quite the college. So the next day I quietly left to India forever, without informing anyone.
Flashback ends

Then she remembered how she couldn't control herself when she saw Manik and broke the wedding. After that what Amms said to her, her death and Chacha's words. Something suddenly got into her and she walked towards the railway tracks. She stepped down the platform and stood on the tracks. Everyone around her started to panic when a train was arriving on the same track. But an old lady saved her before any accident could have happened.

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