Chapter 5

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Nandani and Navya stood outside Cabir's apartment, both were a little nervous yet hide it from each other. Navya's heart was beating fast as if she was going on a date with Cabir and Nandani didn't want to see Manik but he wasn't getting out of her head. Both of them waited for 15 mins outside his house looking at the doorbell.  Mean while Manik went out to get drinks and was returning. He was climbing the stairs and stopped as soon as he saw Nandani. He didn't want to face her, because he was shocked that he almost confessed about his pain to her. Manik just wanted Nandani to go in first so he doesn't have to face her directly. He waited for five minutes but none of them made any attempt to ring the doorbell. He was annoyed and couldn't take it anymore. After five more minutes he walked to the door and rang the bell himself. He stood between Nandani and Navya which shocked them both as they both were in their own world. Nandani looked up to see who it was and found the person she was trying to avoid right next to her.
Cabir then opened the door to find 3 people frozen at his door step. On his right was Nandani, who was holding a gift in both her hands and looking towards Manik. In the centre was Manik, who had plastic bags in both his hands looking at Nandani. And on his left, was something even more shocking. It was Navya, who held a gift in her hand and looked at him blankly as if lost somewhere in Cabir's eyes. Instead of Cabir bring them back to the planet earth, he himself got lost into Navya's eyes. This carried on for few minutes when Dhruv brought back everyone out of their trance. Everyone looked here and there trying to hide their embarrassment which made Dhruv confused."Hey guys, everything ok. Why are you all looking at each this?"

"What's wrong Dhruv.....nothing is wrong. We were just thinking about something. Anyways come in. Guys please come in." Cabir spoke trying to divert the topic.

Manik was the first one to step into the house. He quickly dropped the plastic bags in the kitchen and made a plan to stay in his room and not step out so he doesn't have to face Nandani. While going to his room he saw Dhruv and Nandani talking to each other.

"Hi Nandani, you look beautiful." Dhruv said while hugging her.
"Thanks Dhruv. How are you." Nandani politely replied.

Manik was now fuming in anger as Dhruv's hand was still on her waist.

"I am good. Come let's sit." Dhruv pointed towards the sofas while his one hand was still on her back.

"Nandani please can you help me?" Manik said loudly making sure Dhruv and Nandani could hear him.

Nandani got scared as she did not see that coming. However she didn't want to be rude so she walked towards him and looked at him trying to avoid eye contact and asked, "what help do you need?"

Manik had lost all his word and couldn't think of anything" help I need?" Manik looked everywhere around him and saw the plastic bags he just brought. "Ya..please can you help me with the drinks?"

She nodded and both walked towards the kitchen. They started taking the drinks out one by one from the plastic bag. But the awkward silence was killing them both. Manik finally spoke,"why were you guys not ringing the bell?"

Nandani freaked out,"oh..we just arrived and I was adjusting my make up so.."

"But you were standing there for like 10 minutes and you weren't even doing anything. Rather you were just staring at the door bell."

"What do you mean to say. Any how do you know we were standing there for long?"

"Because I was waiting there for you to go in first so I don't have to face you..." He stopped and looked away. He cursed himself for saying that.

"What!! You were avoiding me? Ok fine I will not bother you anymore." She said angrily and walked out.

Manik cursed himself even more as Nandani got him wrong. He was not avoiding her because he didn't like her but because he didn't want to talk about what happened in the library.

Meanwhile Cabir approach to Navya. "Hey Navya. What's up? Wow a gift can I see?"

Navya sided the gift away,"it's not your birthday yet. I will give it to you at 12."

"Ahhh....not fair. Anyways you looking gorgeous. And blue is my favourite colour." Cabir said looking at her dress.

"I know that's why I......," Navya's eyes widen and stopped. She blushed and looked down trying to hide from Cabir.

But Cabir noticed that. He realised that she also has feelings for him. But maybe she was seeking for more time. He diverted the topic,"why does Nandani seem so angry?"

She looked at Nandani and walked towards her. "What's wrong Nandani? Did something happen?"

She then realised that Navya, Cabir and Dhruv were looking at her. "No Navya, I was just thinking about something." Just then Aaliya entered.

"Hi everyone, sorry I am late. I got lost on the way. You know all the streets look so similar." She said while hugging Cabir.
"Hey Manik," she hugged him and he too responded making Nandani even more angry.

"Guys lets play something." Cabir suggested.

"Let's play truth and dare." An excited Aaliya suggested.

They all sat in a circle in the following order. Cabir, Nandani,Dhruv, Navya, Aaliya and then Manik. So Cabir and Navya were facing each other, Aaliya and Nandani and Manik and Dhruv.

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