Chapter 24 (last)

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Nandani's POV
Today's morning felt a little different. The sun rays seemed to have brought the new hope in my life. Why was I feeling like that, when I know that this was the mess I had created for myself. As always, I got ready to leave but to my surprise Ms Sulochana was no where. She must have gone to the temple but so early. I ignored my thoughts and moved towards the office. Today everything seemed different. Was something going to happen?

I was working on my work place when Harshad ordered me to go to Manik's cabin. It felt weird, what work did he have with me early in the morning? I knocked on his door and stepped in as he called me. The next thing that I saw was beyond my imagination.
End of POV

As Nandani entered his cabin she got the shock of her life. Everyone related to her life were present there. Chacha, chachi, Navya, Cabir, Aaliya, Dhruv, Mukti, Aryaman, Ms Sulochana, Dr Shah (Nandani's doctor) and Manik. She didn't know how to react so she stood still until Manik spoke.

"So Miss Nandi Deshmukh, I still want to know about your background. Will you tell me everything in details again?" Manik said as he walked closer to her.

Nandani couldn't understand what he was trying to do until her eyes fell on her diary which Manik was holding. Nandani realised that he had found out everything about her. Everything started to flash in front of her. Their confession, their break up, Nandani's wedding, Amms's death, Chacha's words and her suicidal attempt. Her feelings were now overpowering her. She looked for her pills in her bag but Manik stopped her.

"Nandani you once told me that the problem was because I kept everything within me. Now why are you repeating my mistake?" Manik said as he held her by her shoulders.

"Manik, I need my pills. Please stop all this." Nandani again tried to get her pills, but Manik pulled her closer forcing her for an eye lock.

"Nandani please just let it all out that you have held in for so many years." Manik pleaded looking into her eyes.

Nandani looked into his eyes, but this time she found pain and care rather then hatred and anger. In no time she had started crying hard. She hugged Manik and held his blazer tight so that he would be there and not move aways like he did during her wedding day. "I am sorry Manik, I ruined everything. I ruined everything. Please forgive me." Nandani cried even harder.

Everyone were now getting worried for Nandani as no one had ever seen her so broken. Manik patted her back to calm her down but his efforts were going in vain. "Nandani just tell me everything and I promise everything will get back to normal." Manik said as she still didn't want to leave him.

Nandani finally let go and looked into his eyes. "When I went to India for summer break, Amms told me that we were in a great financial problem. After Chacha's hard work to pay off the debt of my parents, the factory had burned down. Amms told me how Aryaman's dad had placed an offer. They wanted me to marry Aryaman as his parents had found out that he loved me and instead they would help us out of the mess. I didn't know what to do as on one hand I loved you and the other hand my family needed me. How could I forget  what all chacha and chachi had done for me. Then only one option came in my mind, that was to repay chacha and chachi for everything they had done for me. When I got back to USA, I though of telling you everything but I knew that you would never let me go. I tired my best to make you hate me and leave me but you tolerated everything just to be with me. Then I though of ending all this for once as it was getting difficult for me to get away from you. So I asked a friend of mine in India to photoshop your pictures with a girl. After that I came to your house and created a scene and it worked. But I could not pull myself together so I left to India without letting anyone know."

Manik now cupped Nandani's face and tears started to roll from his eyes as well. "I am sorry Nandani."

Nandani placed her right palm of his face and wiped his tears. "No Manik, it was not your fault. I had ruined everything myself. Even on that day when you came at the wedding. I realised I couldn't belong to anyone else as my heart only beats for you. That's why I hugged you, I though of telling you everything but you..." Nandani realised she was to close to Manik so she backed off, surprising Manik.

"but you had moved on. I realised it was to late so after you left I called off the wedding. But then Amms suffered from heart attack because of me. I killed Amms. She died because of me." Nandani collapsed on the floor when chacha and chachi sat next to her.

"And because of what I said, you left us." Chacha said as he side hugged Nandani.

Nandani held his shirt tighter and cried even more. "No I left because I didn't have the courage to face you after killing your Mother."

"So you decided to take our daughter from us?" Chachi said as she tucked her hair behind her ears. Nandani then hugged Chachi.

"I am sorry for everything. Because of me I have hurt you all. Please forgive me." Nandani said as she cried.

Something happened to Manik and he stepped out of the cabin, leaving everyone is surprise. Nandani thought that he was angry so she followed him. They went to the terrace of the building.

Manik stood quietly while Nandani slowly approached him. "Manik I am sorry." Nandani said apologetically.

Manik still faced the other side and left a sarcastic chuckle out. "Yeah Nandani, you said sorry and everything is going to be back to normal isn't it?" Manik said. He now held Nandani by her shoulders and spoke his heart out. "Do you even realise what I went through after the break up? There was not a day, that I didn't curse you. I hated you, I hated you so much that I started hating myself. Your words never hurt me that much but the fact that you brought me light and then again pushed me further into darkness killed me. When I saw you on your wedding I felt like you were back to hurt me. When I saw you smiling with that Aryaman it killed me. But then how could I have possibly show you what I felt. So in jealously and anger I made Mukti my fiancé. There was nothing between us but I wanted to show you that I was happy and I had moved on to. But I left as I could never see you belong to someone else. How could you ever think that I could have moved on? Then when I saw you again in my office, all the feelings came back. No matter how much I hated you, I could never kill the love I had for you. I spent all these years only hating on you. How could you do this Nandani, how could you make me hate the only thing that I had ever loved." Manik said as tears started to flow out of his eyes.

Nandani hugged him. "I am sorry Manik. Sorry for ruining all these moments where we could have been together. Sorry for ruining all those moments that we had spent together. But I promise Manik, that the day I leave you will be the day I breath for the last time."

Manik pulled out of the hugged and kissed her passionately. "Never will you ever say that. And what was the suicidal that you had pulled out. Do you know my Nandani was never like that."

Nandani smiled a little as Manik said 'my Nandani'. "Oh really, how was your Nandani." Nandani asked.

Manik side hugged her, "She was a little crazy, little idiotic...."

Manik started to run around the terrace as Nandani chased him.

"little mad..." Manik said.

"So this is what you think about me?" Nandani screamed as she ran after him.

Manik stopped and held both of her hands behind her waist.

"I also think that she is a little beautiful, cute, hot, sexy thing." Manik said as he got closer to her.

Nandani blushed and then smiled whole heartedly after so long.

"I love you Manik."

"I love you too Nandani."

And that's how a beautiful journey started of our MaNan.....

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