Chapter 7

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Nandani entered her apartment, changed into her night dress and lied on the bed trying to sleep. But sleep was far away as this night had shocked her to the core. She wasn't in her own control. She hated every bit of the dance. But what angered her the most was the fact that Manik for once didn't try to stop the dance. He was ok with the fact that she was being so close to someone and it didn't affect him. She didn't affect him. Nandani wanted to cry, but being the stubborn head she kept it all in. She was never good at expressing herself and always hid any emotions she felt. Perhaps she feared that the other person will never understand. After an hour, Navya walked into the room and headed towards Nandani when she quickly closed her eyes not wanting to answer any of her questions. Navya saw her sleeping and did not want to disturb her so she walked to her bed and fell asleep in her party clothes itself.
As the sun raised, Nandani quickly took a shower  and prepared to leave for the university. Where Navya was still in deep sleep. Nandani went 2 hours early as she didn't want to be investigated about her last night's behaviour. She had placed a note on the table besides Navya's bed, "Have some work so went early to school. Breakfast is on the table and see you in uni."

Nandani spent two hours in the library trying to be strong and convince herself that manik's presence doesn't matter as it doesn't matter to him either. She was the first one in class and the rest arrived one by one. It was 2 hours lecture.
Navya sat next to her, "hey how are you feeling now?"
Just when she was about to answer Manik and Cabir entered the class and walked towards their seat. Nandani looked at him and all her anger came back. "Never better."
Just then the professor entered and the lecture started.
Manik's anger was also on cloud 9 as he did not ever expect Nandani to be so close to anyone else other than him. Both had covered there jealousy in the name of anger. After about 30mins into the lecture, Manik looks at Nandani who was now dossing off. Manik tried to wake her up but before that the professor saw her and shouted her name out. Nandani woke up with a jerk and stood up from her seat. "Yes sir."
"Out of the class Miss Murty."
"Sorry sir...please, I won't do this again."
"I said GET OUT!!"
"Ok sir." She collected everything from her desk and placed it in her bag and moved out of the class.

Nandani moved towards the cafeteria and sat on her usual spot. She placed her head on the table and thought, "what am I doing man. How can I sleep in the class. I am such an idiot." Soon before she could control, again fell asleep.
After the class got over, Navya and Cabir laughed at what happened in the class while Manik was worried. They met Aaliya and Dhruv on the way and headed towards the cafeteria, where they saw Nandani in deep sleep. Manik was now even more worried as she had been behaving so strangely. While the others laughed and took pictures of her. They all went and sat on their places and together screamed her name giving her the shock of her life. "What the hell guys."
"Nandani why are you sleeping in the class?" Navya asked.
"Actually I was able to sleep yesterday so...." Nandani stopped as she didn't want anyone to ask her about it.
"But you were in deep sleep when I entered the house." Navya asked trying to connect what she saw and what she is telling her.
"Navya what's your problem, let her sleep as much as she wants. Stop troubling her now." Cabir said as he understood that aag dono taraf lagi hai.
Manik just looked at Nandani without blinking, making himself believe that she is fine.
"Let's order coffee guys. I really need it." Nandani said yawning.
"But I want what Manik was having yesterday, it looked delicious." Aaliya said.
"Fruleta," Manik said. And Nandani's anger was back.
The waiter went and got the orders little did he know what was going to happen to him. He passed Nandani's coffee to her and was about to leave when Nandani snapped, "What is this. Is it coffee or beer. Why is it tasting so bitter. Do you even know how to make a stupid coffee? Get me some sugar now...."
Everyone sitting there were shocked to see this side of her. She was most probably the sweetest person in their group and seeing her reacting like this was something new.
"Relax Nandani, he will get the sugar and don't you like your coffee strong?" Cabir said trying to clam her down.
"Oh so now you will tell me what I like and what not." Nandani said this without thinking.
Everyone looked at her as if she was some stranger.
"Nandani!! Can you stop behaving like......" Manik said in annoyance.
But before he could complete, she began, "You better stay out of this. I am not talking to you."
"But I am talking to you!!"
"Fine then you can speak to yourself.." Nandani picked her bag and was about to go when she turned back and spoke again. "Manik please don't speak to me ever again."
There was pain, a lot of pain in the last sentence she said. Manik sensed it but his anger was now over powering his other emotions.
"Manik what's happening?" Cabir asked while others just looked at Manik waiting for answer.
"I don't know bro....I have barely said anything to her. I don't know why she is behaving like this. You know what I don't care. I am going to the next lecture Cabir." Manik said and walked away without looking at anyone in anger.
"Guys what's happening all of a sudden?" Dhruv said.
"They were OK yesterday, then what happened." Aaliya said.
"Ya and Manik was with us the whole time today. So nothing happened today. Then what?" Navya said.
"Guys I think we should just leave it to them to sort it out. Because we don't even know what the problem is."
Cabir said after listening to everyone.

The day passed by while Nandani was snapping at the smallest of this. Be it with Navya or Cabir or anyone who were coming across her.

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