Chapter 16

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Nandani  went upstairs pretending to just arrive now.
"Hi Nandani." Navya greeted her.
"Hi Navyaaa, Cabir what are you doing here?" Nandani teased them.
"Nandani, I came to drop your beloved friend." Cabir politely replied.
Nandani just giggled and went to her room leaving Cabir and Navya surprised. Nandani rushed to her room and starting looking for an idea first dinner date dress when Navya walked in.
"Nandani, today I won't be here for dinner. Can you please cook by yourself?" Navya asked hesitating.
"Oh la la.... are you going out on a date or something?" Nandani teased her to which she blushed and looked away. "Ok no problem, anything for a friend." Nandani said this as she didn't want to lie about her going out with Manik.
After Navya went with cabir, Nandani got busy in getting ready as Manik was just about to come.

After Navya went with cabir, Nandani got busy in getting ready as Manik was just about to come

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{Navya's outfit}

Nandani's phone bussed as Manik called. "Ready beautiful," he said making Nandani more nervous and blush.
"hmmmmmm," was all she could say to him.
"I am dying to see you," Manik spoke as he was no longer able to wait for the date anymore.
"hmmmm," Nandani was getting to nervous and words were no longer supporting her.
"What hummmm, come quickly now." Manik said as he was getting to restless.
"hmmmm," Nandani said as she blushed and hung up.
She quickly looked at herself for the last time and headed down to where Manik was desperately waiting for.

She quickly looked at herself for the last time and headed down to where Manik was desperately waiting for

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{Nandani's outfit}

Manik was dumbstruck looking at her. He had frozen on his spot. Nandani looked too beautiful. She dressed simply yet she looked like a fairy coming down to earth just for her Manik.
"Manik," Nandani called out to bring him out of his trance.
"Nandani, you look so beautiful in red." Manik said still not stepping out of his trance.
"Manik, stop staring and lets go."Nandani blush as she spoke.
Manik pulled the door open of the taxi and both headed to the restarunt he had chosen for the date.

"Shall we," Manik held her hand and they both walked into the restaurant. As he was about to pull a chair for Nandani, he heard his name and looked behind to find the rest of the gang on the table.
Manik and Nandani were both shocked to see them already present. Cabir walked up to them and teased them, "So what brings you guys here?"
Manik looked at Nandani as he was not able to think of a way out.
"Actually, Navya was going out with you and I was getting bored so I called up the others but I could't reach them so I called Manik and we decided to come out for dinner." Nandani said all in one go.
"Yeah, that's what exactly happened." Manik support Nandani's lie.
"Oh I See....Come join us." Cabir said ruining Manik and Nandani's first date.
Manik and Nandani headed to the other guys when she saw a neckless around Aaliya and understood everything.

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