Chapter 9

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She rushed out to the canteen where everyone was present at their usual place. Everyone looked upset and hurt. Manik was also present there. Nandani slowly walked towards them and stood by the table. Everyone's eyes were now on Nandani. Nervously Nandani began, "guys I am sorry, sorry for being the total jerk I was. Actually I had so much in my head that....but still there is no explanation to what I did. And especially to Navya. I am so sorry. Please forgive guys can do anything to me or make me do anything. But please accept my apologies."

Navya stood up and asked with a straight face, "so each of us can ask you to do anything?"
"Yes, I will try my best to do it. I am sorry Navya."
"Ok fine then sing a song for me."
" in front of everyone."
"Ok then I won't talk to you."
"Ok ok ok.....I will try."
Nandani was nervous. But she had to do this for her friends as she had hurt them so much.

Yaaro dosti badi hi hasin hai
Ye na ho to kya phir bolo ye zindagi hai
Koi to ho razdar
Begaraj tera ho yaar
Koi to ho razdar

Teri har ke burai pe dante woh dost
Gam ki ho dhoop to saya bane tera woh dost
Nache bhi woh teri khushi mai

Ari yaaro dosti badi hi haseen hai
Ye na ho to kya phir bolo ye zindagi hai
Koi to ho razdar
Begaraj tera ho yaar
Koi to ho razdar
"I am so sorry guys. Please forgive me." Nandani pleaded as she finished her song.
Navya ran towards her and took her for a tight hug. "It's ok Nandani. But you have to tell me what was bothering you. Please."
"Navya it's all clear now and I don't want to think about it. So please can we just forget it."
"Ok Nandani but next time I want you to tell me first ok."
"Ok Navya," and Nandani hugged her once again.
"Nandani that was so good. You sing so well." Cabir expressed himself.
While sitting on her chair opposite Manik, "thanks Cabir. My grandma is a singer so I learnt a little."
"You know Manik is also an amazing singer. In fact he even writes songs." Cabir said.
Nandani looked nervously at Manik, but Manik completely ignored her and she was hurt once again.
"Ok Nandani so you still have to do what we say remember." Cabir asked trying to decrease the awkwardness between us.
"Yeah, anything you say."
"Navya told me you are a great cook so......can you cook dinner for a week at my house?" Cabir asked. He thought that there is something between Manik and Nandani which needed closure so decided on something which will bring them together.
"Ok. But since I am a vegetarian, I will make only vegetarian food. If that's ok....."
"Ya ya it's cool."
"So Dhruv what do you want from me?" Nandani asked.
"He won't ask for anything. He is the good good types." Cabir claimed.
"Actually I want to ask for something Nandani..." Dhruv said. This left everyone in a shock and mostly Manik. He instantly looked at him and then at Nandani.
"Yes Dhruv go ahead."
"Actually will you come with me somewhere on Sunday?" After thinking for hundred times, Dhruv slowly asked.
Manik's heart was now pricking him. He couldn't believe what his ears heard. A prayer started in his head, wishing atleast Nandani would say no.
"Ahh....where....I mean where do you want me go with you." Nervously Nandani asked while stealing glances from Manik in between as if seeking for his permission.
"I can't tell you that. But please come, It's important." Dhruv said trying to clarify the seriousness of the matter.
"If it's important than I will come." Nandani said as she felt it was something serious. She then looked apologetically towards Manik who was again ignoring her. But this time his anger was clearly seen on his face.
"Nandani, can I ask you to do something later on. Cause I don't really have anything to ask you for." Aaliya said.
"Ya you can ask me anytime. I will do it." Nandani replied.
"Manik what will you ask for?" Cabir said.
Manik smiled wickedly, and looked at Cabir, "she is asking for forgiveness from her friends, not others." As he completed his sentence, he looked at Nandani but she looked away. Perhaps Manik wanted Nandani to accept him atleast as a friend for once. Because they never had a moment where they could give their friendship a chance to start. He was hurt with some unknown feelings and therefore walked away.
"So I am not even his friend yet!!" Nandani thought to herself as soon as he left.
After a while, Nandani too made an excuse and left to library as she just wanted to spend some time alone.

"Guys, why are Manik and Nandani always fighting?" Aaliya said.
"Who knows. Maybe they don't like each other at all." Navya replied.
"But what happened?" Dhruv asked.
"We don't know, they only face each other when all of us meet. But we never saw them having problems. Still they fight?" Navya said as she was herself confused on their behaviour.
"It's weird. People usually fight when they don't like each other. But here they are fighting because they like each other. Maybe they are not able to understand their own feelings. They get jealous when they see each other with someone else, yet they don't wanna talk to each other. Maybe I should do something, but what if what I am thinking is not correct. What if they actually can't stand each other? I guess they need time and they themselves will have to solve their issues." Cabir thought to himself when Navya broke his thoughts.
Cabir looked around and it was only him and Navya on the big round table.
Navya hesitated to ask but then finally made her move, "do you want to go out for lunch?"
Cabir was hell shocked and just looked at her with blank expression as he wasn't able to believe what he just heard. Navya was scared and though of cancelling the plan, "it's ok if you don't want to come. I have some work so see you later."
Navya stood up and was about to leave, when Cabir held her hand and asked, "so are you asking me for a date?"
Navya's heartbeat was now going out of her control and one could hear it easily. Cabir now moved closer to her ear and whispered from the back, "if it's a friendly lunch then I can't make it, but if it's a date then I can think about it."
Navya smiled hearing him and freed her hand from his grip and walked a little and looked back at Cabir. "Watertable restaurant at 1, be there I don't like waiting."
Cabir blushed as Navya shyly went away.

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