Chapter 3

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Nandani was walking to her apartment when she saw Manik leaning on a lamp post, probably waiting for someone on the street. She just looked away and walked past him when Manik called out to her, " Hey listen, I am sorry for what I said in the cafeteria. It was not intended to hurt you. I was just trying to be funny and irritate you."

Nandani couldn't believe her ears as he was apologising. But as she was the Nandani Murty, she kept her calm and pretended as she did not care about it and started walking again.

"Such attitude you have, I am saying sorry and you don't even reply. Anyways I would have never apologised if it was not for Cabir.....," Manik stopped as he was going to reveal about Cabir's feelings.

Nandani looked back with suspicious eyes and said,  "Why would you say sorry because of Cabir?" Nandani asked this question as she wanted to confirm if what she thought about Cabir's feelings was right.

Manik lost out on words and started stammering, " Cabir.....ya Cabir considers you as a friend and he didn't like how I spoke to you so that's why....only that reason. Nothing else." Manik answered and felt proud that he handled the situation. 

Nandani was not satisfied with his answer but decided that maybe she was over thinking. "Ya whatever, it's ok. I don't really care about what you think about me." Nandani said this while walking away leaving Manik irritated.


After finishing all the work both headed towards their bed to sleep. "Goodnight Nandu," said Navya and drifted into deep sleep. She was tired today as she decided to cook all by herself to cheer Nandani up and kept assuring her that no matter what others say, they will also be best friends. Nandani felt grateful to have a friend like Navya who was so worried about her because of such a small incident. And then suddenly thought about Manik's words. Nandani thought to herself, "Does he really think like that about me?......why do I care?.....Do I actually care?" She fell asleep while trying to figure out the answer to this one question.


While Cabir was fast asleep, Manik kept twisting and turning in his bed. He finally gave up and sat on the bed with his hands on his head, placing them on his knees which were folded. "Does she really not care if I exist or not. Why does she ignores me like that.....and on top of that why does it hurt when she ignores. Why do I even care," he just combed through his hair with his fingers trying to find answers to his questions. "The best thing right now is to stay away from her because I don't wanna do anything that will affect Cabir. He really likes Navya and I don't want to ruin it," Manik thought to himself and soon fell asleep.


Next day in university.

The four went to there class and Aaliya went to her class as she was in the other class. As soon as the class finished Cabir offered Navya and Nandani to join them in cafeteria. As Navya was still angry on Manik, she didn't respond and looked away. Cabir and Nandani sensed it and Nandani spoke, "Ya Cabir lets go."

Navya looked at Nandani and saw that she was not upset and asked, "But are you not angry with......,"

Before she could complete her sentence, Nandani began, "He apologised and I forgave him. So the matter's over. And if I am not angry, then why are you?"

Manik looked at Nandani as she said that which made him feel even more guilty about it. But after this they all headed toward the cafeteria. They settled in their usual positions and then came Aaliya and sat next to Manik again. All started their chit chatting over a cup of coffee but obviously Manik and Nandani were ignoring each other. Just then Nandani saw Dhruv sitting alone and moved towards him.

"Hey Dhruv, why don't you come join us?" Nandani said while pointing at where everyone was sitting. However Manik looked a little disturbed by Nandani's action.

"Oh hi, no no.....I really don't think i should."

"Please come na.... I want you to meet my friends. Please they are really nice." Nandani saw no movements in Dhruv so she decided to drag him to her friends. She held his arm and pulled him towards their table.

"Nandani!!! What are you doing?" he was shocked at Nandani but then did not protest to it and finally went and stood by their table.

"Ok guys this is Dhruv, I met him yesterday and he is a gentleman. So Dhruv this is Navya," pointing towards Navya, "this is Cabir, this is Aaliya and this is.......this is Manik," she said pointing respectively at them.

Everyone's eyes were on Dhruv, while Manik was still eying Nandani's hands which were on Dhruv's arm. He was unknowingly fuming in rage.

"Hey," everyone said together except Manik. "Why don't you join us," said Cabir and welcomed him with a smile.

"Ah you guys carry on, I don't want to disturb you guys." Said Dhruv and tried to walk away.

But Nandani pulled him and pushed him on a chair next to hers. "Oh come on Dhruv, why are you being so formal?" Nandani said this while sitting next to him.

"Hey you are in my class right?" Aaliya asked politely.

"Yes I sit right next to you."

"Oh I am so sorry, actually I am really bad at noticing people around me. Please don't mind," Aaliya said as she didn't want to offend Dhruv.

All talked for a while and Nandani then noticed that Manik hasn't said a word after Dhruv came. He was rather lost in his own world. It was really weird for Manik to be this quite and Nandani did sense something but did not bothered to ask him. All left for their classes as today they had a total of three lectures to attend.

In the English lecture, all students were to be paired and given a topic on which they will research and present it to the whole class. The professor began with his instructions,  "To describe any emotions in words is the hardest part of English language and today will shall look at that aspect. Students this project will help you measure your strength and weakness on the language. Your research will show the quality of your grammar and the presentation will determine your command on the English language. Once you get a topic, I want you to research on it, explain the meaning of the word and write a four page short story revolving around the topic. And with your partners then present your thinking about the topic. So now let's select your partners. Let's do this quickly," after a long pause he began again, "the person sitting behind you is your partner." He said all this in one go.

Nandani looked behind and got the shock of her life. It was Manik, instead of Cabir today Manik was sitting behind her. Cabir and Navya were excited while Manik and Nandani were panicking from the inside. But they stayed quite as there was no other way. The professor then called one of the partners to come forward and pick a topic from the bowl. Manik went and picked a chit and waited for others to reveal their topic.

Cabir, "Our emotion is Love."

Manik, "...........our emotion is....Pain."

"So student you can start working on the project from today itself and you will submit it to me after 3 weeks." Professor announced it and left as the lesson got over.

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