Chapter 8

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It was a Sunday and it passed away so quickly. Navya was now irritated by Nandani's behaviour and chose to keep away from her and give her some time to understand what her problem was. Nandani was too tired of everything and got herself into so much work that she had no time to think about Manik.

On the other hand Manik's temper was increasing minute by minute. But he was in his control and did not vent it out on others like Nandani.

The next morning, they all went to their class. Cabir and Manik were already seated when Navya walked in alone.
Cabir and Manik were both shocked to see her alone.
"Hey guys." Navya said.
"Hi, how come your alone. Where is Nand....?" Cabir asked but before he could complete Navya began, "she is coming. You know what Cabir, she kept on snapping at me for no reason the whole day yesterday. Now I can't take it anymore. She is crossing her limits now. No one has ever spoken to me like how she has been for few days. And when I try to ask her why she is behaving like this, she says something so rude that...." Navya stopped trying to not shed the tears.
Cabir cupped her face with his hands and said, "Navya please don't cry. There must be something bothering her and because of that she is behaving like this. But you are her best friend have to help her come out of this. Ok."
Navya nodded in agreement and wiped her tears. "I will try Cabir."

Nandani then entered the class and all settled down.
"Nandani did you have your breakfast, I kept it on the table." Navya said trying to create conversation.
"Navya I am not a child anymore and I have eyes so stop asking these dumb questions."
Manik and Cabir noticed this but kept quite as the lesson had now began.

As soon as the class got over Manik rushed towards Nandani and pulled her in an empty class. He locked the door from inside.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Nandani said.
"What am I you even realise what you are doing?"
"That's none of your business ok."
"It is my business, because all of this is affecting my friends. Navya cried today in the morning because of you. And that is affecting Cabir because he loves her dammm it...."
It then sunk into her brain that she was behaving so rude to everyone especially Navya, who was her best friend.
"What is wrong with you Nandani? Why are you behaving like this? Did something happen? You can tell us, we are your friends. We will help you."Manik said as he was worried for her.
Nandani was now in tears and her brain was recalling every action of hers which she did  subconsciously.
Manik saw her lost and gently held her by her shoulders."what's wrong Nandani?"
"You just leave me alone." Nandani pushed him away. "Everything is happening because of you. I just couldn't get you out of my head and.......and I vented all your anger on others."
"Me? What did I do." Manik asked as he was being blamed for something he didn't even know.
"Oh so now you care....why do you even care. Go to Aaliya na. Go and hold her hand forever. Be with her. You love her attention a lot isn't. It doesn't matter to you who I am with. My presence doesn't affect you right."
Manik was taken aback. But his anger was now taking over him. He held her by her elbows and pulled her towards him. "Oh so I am the one liking her attention? And what about you. You tho yourself get so close to Dhruv. He doesn't even have to do anything to come close to you because you are always giving in to him. Isn't it, the dance you were enjoying so much with him."
"I wasn't enjoying that stupid dance.....I was....was so uncomfortable and I even looked you. But you were enjoying so much with Aaliya that didn't even notice anything. And I became so.....and then I.....and Dhruv.....I can't believe you made me do all this. I couldn't control myself......." She was now sobbing hard. "Leave me just leave. I don't want to see your face. I hate being around you. It's suffocating me." She said all this while trying to push her self away from his tight grip.
Manik looked at her and pulled her even closer. This made Nandani look into his eyes which were saying something else. They had an intense eye lock.
"I suffocate you right," saying this he left Nandani with a jerk and left the room.
Her tears had now dried up. And the first thing that came up in her mind was to apologise to everyone before it was to late.

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