Chapter 22

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The next day....
Nandani had already started her work and waited for Manik to further assign. While she waited for Manik, someone else entered from her past. Probably the second most closest person after Manik. It was no other then Navya. Navya was asking at the reception where Cabir's cabin was, while Nandani just looked at her. She took a few steps towards her but then stopped as the receptionist addressed her as Mrs Dhawan. "If I speak to Navya, then she will figure out everything about me. Perhaps she may even tell Cabir about it, and it wouldn't take long for Ma.... I can't meet her." She thought and turned back to her working space.

After a while Harshad came to her," Nandi, Cabir sir is calling you in his cabin now. Leave everything you are doing and go now."

"Yeah Harshad." Nandani replied hesitantly.

Nandani's POV
Why does Cabir want to see me. And how will I face Navya. But I have to go, I shouldn't forget that I work for them. As I entered I saw Cabir on the main chair and Navya was sitting right opposite him.

Navya turned around and hugged me as if reading my mind. But I didn't respond and stood there as a stiff as possible.

"Nandani, where have you been. Do you know how much I looked for you! How could you just disappear like that. Something happened between you and Manik but what was my fault?" I was shocked and looked at Cabir as she was not aware of what had happened.

She broke the hug and looked at my face. "What's wrong Nandani, why do you look as dull? Did something happen?"

I moved back as I could still feel the connection that we had back then. But she can't know about me. "Nandi, I have changed my name to Nandi Deshmukh. Please call me using that name only. And we might have been friends then, but everything is changed now. I am just your husband's employee. And I will be happy if you maintain the professional relationship, ma'am." I could see that Navya could not absorb and of the words I had said.

She wanted to say a lot, but she kept quite as Cabir called out to me. "Nandi, since Manik has gone to Delhi for a meeting, I will give you the work today. This is Mr Ram's file, you will handle him from today and make sure I don't get any complains. He is one of our most important client."

"Yes sir, I will hand you the design in by tomorrow, then you can call them for approval."


As Cabir said the last word, I rushed out of the Cabin without making any eye contact with Navya. I couldn't believe that the list of people hurt by me is increasing day by day. But how come they never told them about me and what had actually happened?

Cabir's POV
"Navya are you ok?" She seemed to be disturbed with what had just happened.

"Cabir, what happened to her. She was never like this." I guess this is the right time for me to tell her what had actually happened back then. I started telling her each and everything in detail while she was getting shocked even more.

"Cabir how can you believe this. If you had told me to believe in anything else I would have. But if you told me that the reason for the break up was because Nandani never loved him then I would never believe this. I know, I have seen Nandani's love for Manik. It was pure and real. There is some major misunderstanding Cabir." She was in tears by the time she had finished speaking.

I quickly go to her and make her sit on my lap and cup her face. "Navya I know you are saying all this because she was your best friends, but this is the truth. This is what actually had happened."

"Cabir, this makes no sense. As you had told me...If she was already going to break up with Manik on the graduation day, then she would have waited. It was only few months away. And if her character was like that, then wouldn't she also try getting close to Manik. But did she ever do that? And I am damm sure, that she wouldn't mind Manik having an affair If she herself was interested in other boys. And why did she disappear so soon. I mean she could have completed her degree."

Navya had got me thinking. She did have a point. What if she was right. And I have also seen her behaviour changes.

"Cabir, I am sure that she did all this for a reason. And the reason must be a big one. Otherwise I don't think that Nandani would ever leave Manik because of few photographs." She sounded so confident.

"I don't know Navya what to believe in and what not. But after listening to what you have said, I also feel that there is something that we all don't know. Will you help me in this?"

"Of course I will Cabir."

Meanwhile in Delhi......

Manik's POV
I wanted to stay far away from her and thank's to the god that my meeting was in Delhi. She was not even capable of my hatred. Don't know what is wrong with Cabir. Why does he want 10 days. Anyways, after 10 days I myself will throw her out of our company.
End of POV

As he finished his meeting with Mr Kapoor in the hotel, he start to move towards the parking to get into his car when he spot someone.

"Hi Mr Malhotra." He said as he approached towards Manik.

"Hi....Aryaman." Manik said not sounding rude.

"You have almost disappeared after that day." He said as Manik had left to London to be with dad.

"Ya was just a little busy here and there. But now I am in Mumbai. We just started a new company 2 months back."

"Nice, so much has happened in these two months." He said as he sounded depressed.

"I am sorry man, for what happened."

"Yeah.....but hope she is with the guy she loved."

"What do you mean by that?" Manik was shocked to hear this piece of information from him.

"Well she cancelled our wedding that day, but after few days we got the news that she left her house. Her Chacha and Chachi are looking for her everywhere. But I guess the people are right, maybe she ran away with the person she loved."

"But didn't her Chacha and Chachi threw her out of the house. I mean that's what I heard." Manik said trying to dig out more information from him.

"What!! Where did you hear that from. They are looking for her like maniacs. You should check any of the newspapers in delhi, you will find an ad which they give so that Nandani could come back. But weren't you her friend? Don't you know where she is?"

Manik was to shocked to get this side of the information. He just nodded in a no.

"Ok then see you later." Aryaman said and signed off.

"Why did she lie to me? Was Cabir right to think that she was trying to make us believe something when the reality was something else?" Manik though as he sat in his car.

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