Chapter 2; "You Wanna Talk?"

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"Hey Hunter?"

"Yeah?" I asked, hiding my underwear and bras as I packed them.

"Relax, I'm not looking, but it's not like I haven't seen women's underwear before." He laughed and hugged me when they were packed. "Though it's hard imagine you in these."

I blushed like hell. "Those were a gag gift!" I yelled playfully, taking the lacy black lingerie and stuffing them back in the bag.

"Then why, pray tell, are you taking them?"

"They're a reminder of the friend that bought them. She was always making dirty jokes."

"What do you mean, 'was'?"

"S-She hung herself when we were sixteen. The year she bought these for me."

"Oh...I'm sorry Hunter."

"It's... It's fine..." But he could hear me crying through my words. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head.

"Poor girl..." he soothed gently.

"I-I tried to do it after I found her...

"Wait, you were the one that found her?"

I nodded. "I haven't had a friend since really..."

"You made it, what, two whole years through high school without a single friend?"

"Three. I wasn't really a true loner until a little later though...but I'm not going to ask you to sit here and listen to my problems that are done and over with anyway."

"Do you want to talk about it? I've got no problem listening if you wanna talk."

"Can we talk later Jayy? I want to... I just don't want my mom to know what I tried to do and what I dealt with."

"Sure sweetheart, I understand why you want to wait. But I do want you to know it's not a bother or a burden to me or Dahvie to talk to you and listen. You can come to either of us if you need to talk. And, just in case I'm not around and you want to talk to me..." He picked up my phone. "Can I?"


He went to my contacts and added himself. "There's my cell. Call me if you need me and I'm not around 'kay?"

"If you're sure..."

"Absolutey. You can call me anytime and I'll call you back if I'm fucking Danny at the time."

"Okay. Thank you, let me add something though." I added a heart to his name so it now said 'Jayy <3'.

He smirked. "Watch Danny with that. Let's finish packing."

"Okay!" I said, getting off his lap.

He smiled and we got back to packing and talking about everything under the sun and otherwise.


Dahvie came back in with more boxes and helped us finish packing my stuff. When we had the stuff in our cars, I knew it was time for the part I'd been dreading, saying goodbye. I sighed weakly.

"You can do it sweetheart." Jayy soothed. "C'mon."

"We'll be right there with you." Dahvie reminded me as they both pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thanks guys," I said, hugging them back.

"Well, that was the last of it," Jayy said as we came back inside.

"I guess it's time then," Mom said softly. "I love you Misty."

Hugging her, I mumbled quietly, "Love you too Mom."

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